



  • 外文名:biographer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 釋義:傳記作者




option biographer 期權賣方
alarm biographer 認購期權沽出者
biographer detail 自傳作家
The Biographer 傳記作家
continuity biographer 分鏡頭劇本作者
ink biographer 印字機
CD biographer 刻錄機
script biographer 腳本作者


  • 1As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."正如這幅畫的傳記作者唐納德·沙遜枯燥無味地指出,“實際上,這種效果可以從任何一幅肖像畫中獲得。”
  • 2JOAN HASLIP, 82, popular biographer of such historical figures as France's Marie Antoinette and Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.82歲的瓊·哈斯利普(JOAN HASLIP)是法國的瑪麗·安托瓦內特(Marie Antoinette)和墨西哥的皇帝馬克西米蘭(Maximilian of Mexico)等歷史人物的著名傳記作家。
  • 3The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject.傳記作者不得不在與主題有關的兩個搖擺不定的位置之間跳來跳去。
  • 4Because Naipaul tells them to his authorized biographer.是奈保爾告訴他的傳記作者French的。
  • 5"They can't possibly stick with it," says Murdoch's biographer, Michael Wolff.“他們不可能死守不放的,”默多克的傳記作者麥可·伍爾夫說。
  • 6People never credit the poor man's abilities. He's more than just my biographer.人們總是不太信任這個可憐人的能力,但他可不僅僅是我的傳記作者。
  • 7Mr Lycett's book is a serious piece of work from an experienced professional biographer.這部作品主題嚴肅,出自經驗豐富的職業傳記作家萊希特之手。
  • 8“For me the paint is the person, ” Freud explained to Lawrence Gowing, a biographer.“至若鄙人,畫為其人,人畫合一” 弗君於傳記作家勞倫斯君高文如是道。
  • 9One biographer credits him with "discovering gravitation," and where would we be without that?傳記作家把“發現萬有引力”歸功於他,如果他沒有發現這一事實,我們會變成什麼樣呢?
  • 10A biographer can seek corroboration elsewhere; a personal memoir does not have that advantage.傳記作家可以從別處尋找確證的事實,但一個個人的記憶沒有這樣的優勢。
  • 11They did see him, though, as her official biographer put it, Queen Elizabeth was not enthusiastic.她們去了,正如她的御用傳記作家所寫,儘管伊莉莎白王太后並不熱情。
  • 12This is an irony that Keynes would have appreciated, according to his biographer, Robert Skidelsky.援引凱恩斯傳記作者羅伯特.斯基德爾斯基(Robert Skidelsdy)的說法,凱恩斯會很感激這個諷刺的現實。
  • 13"He was very poor, and these canvases were expensive," said John Richardson, the Picasso biographer.“他非常窮困,而這些畫布很貴。”畢卡索傳記作家約翰·理察森說。
  • 14“I thought he was quite simply the most wonderfulperson I had ever met,” concedes the biographer.“我想他無疑是我見過的最有魅力的人”,立傳者如此坦言。
  • 15Before she died in 2005, Mrs. Parks told Douglas Brinkley, her biographer, that she posed for the picture.帕克斯於2005年去世之前,告訴她的傳記作者道格拉斯·布瑞克利,那張照片是擺拍的。
  • 16Not everyone is convinced Fidel stays on the margins. "I doubt he is retired," said Volker Skierka, a biographer.並不是所有人都相信菲德爾真的已經不問世事,傳記作者Volker Skierka說:“我對他的退休表示懷疑。”
  • 17Michael Holroyd, a biographer, fears that literature "has become the younger brother of the performing arts."而傳記記者Michael Holroyd則害怕文學“已經變成了表演藝術的弟弟”。
  • 18“His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.“他有多善良,就有多貪婪”洛克菲勒傳記作者羅恩切爾諾曾說到。
  • 19As she said in December to Olga Wornat, her biographer and a longtime friend, "This is what Nestor would want me to do."正如她在12月對其傳記作者及長期摯友olga Wornat所說的,“這是nestor會希望我做的”。
  • 20He cannot begin to see himself as his biographer or reader sees him, for the pain of others always reverts back to his own.他看自己,與傳記作者或讀者看他不同,別人受的痛苦總會返回到他自己的痛苦。
  • 21Jobs tells biographer Walter Isaacson that Google has stolen the design for Apple's iPhone, which Jobs introduced in 2007.賈伯斯向自傳作者沃爾特·伊薩克森(Walter Isaacson)表示,谷歌剽竊了蘋果iPhone的設計。賈伯斯於2007年推出iPhone手機。
  • 22Yet the arch Mr Wolff, who enjoyed extensive access to Mr Murdoch, his family and executives, still seems an odd choice of biographer.儘管吳沃夫與默多克及其家人包括公司高管有廣泛的接觸,但他為默多克寫的傳記卻很奇怪。
  • 23The great man once walked 15 miles to Dunfermline wrapped only in his thoughts and his dressing gown, according to an early biographer.據早期的一位傳記作家描述,這個偉人曾步行15英里到丹弗姆林(Dunfermline),身上僅僅裹著單袍融入沉思。
  • 24A new study of Joyce by Gordon Bowker, a biographer, claims that Ireland's greatest novelist preferred to travel on a British passport.傳記作家戈登·鮑克關於喬伊斯的一項新研究稱這位愛爾蘭最偉大的小說家喜歡用英國護照旅遊。
  • 25A freelance writer is suing biographer Kitty Kelley, claiming the author plagiarized his work in her new book about President Bush and his family.不久前,英國伯明罕的自由撰稿人格林·威爾遜控告美國“傳記大王”基蒂·凱莉在《家族:布希王朝真相》一書中剽竊了他的作品。


