



  • 外文名:centenary
  • 詞性:名詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:[senˈtiːnəri]
  • 美式發音:[senˈtenəri]


centenary /sɛnˈtiːnərɪ/ TEM8 ( centenaries )
1.N-COUNT A centenary is the same as a . 一百周年 [英國英語]


Centenary Stand 百年看台 ; 百周年看台
Centenary Lakes 世紀湖
Bloomsday Centenary 布魯姆日百年祭
centenary celebration 百周年紀念
centenary house 百年住宅 ; 名稱
centenary celebrations 一百周年紀念慶典
centenary year 一百周年紀念的一年


  • 1The club will celebrate its centenary next year.俱樂部明年要慶祝成立一百周年。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Next year will be the centenary of this firm.明年是這家公司成立的一百周年。
  • 3The centenary of the author's birth in 1905 went uncelebrated.1905年作者的誕辰一百周年落得無人慶祝。
  • 4Its structure looks can be in only centenary henceforth inside affirmatory.它的結構看來只能在今後一百年內確定。
  • 520 newly discovered letters were added for the 1990 Dutch centenary edition.1990年的荷蘭語百年紀念版又增添了剛發現的20封書信。
  • 6It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.我們秉持這種精神和價值,在慶祝創校一百周年的同時,亦展望未來。
  • 7Some say he was alluding to the centenary of the Fabian Society, founded in 1884.有些人說他是暗示1884年成立的費邊社成立一百年。
  • 8The Centenary Quaich has been contested on 121 occasions by Scotland and Ireland.蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭已經有121次競爭百年杯的歷史。
  • 9When Ford celebrated its centenary in June 2003 doubts were growing about its future.2003年福特百年慶典之際其未來就不被人看好。
  • 10When Old Macdonald opens. The centenary of NGLA in 2010, tongues are sure to be wagging.當老麥克唐納在2010年百年ngla打開,舌頭肯定會搖擺。
  • 11The ANC is the oldest liberation party in Africa and will celebrate its centenary in 2012.ANC是非洲最古老的解放黨,將於2012年慶祝其百年誕辰。
  • 12Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.據布里頓百年誕辰還有三年時光,足以讓傳記作家來澄清是非,披露真相。
  • 13The unexploited "Centenary Cut" deposit, which lies under the existing mine, could yield a lot more.在現有的礦層之下,還有尚未開發的Centenary Cut礦床可提供更多產量。
  • 14Organizations around the world have already commenced planning fo r their IWD Centenary celebrations.世界各地有關組織已經開始為國際婦女節百年華誕張羅慶典。
  • 15The company will make 2,012 watches to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in 2012.公司將製造2012隻手錶,紀念鐵達尼號沉沒100周年。
  • 16The company will make 2, 012 watches to coincide with the centenary anniversary of the Titanic's sinking in 2012.公司將製造2012隻手錶,紀念鐵達尼號沉沒100周年。
  • 17Environmental protesters say they will picket an celebration at the British Museum of the centenary of oil firm bp.環保主義者說他們將會在大英博物館裡為英國石油公司(阿莫科)的百年紀念設立一個慶典。
  • 18In just three years, 2011 will see IWD's Centenary -100 years of women's united action for global equality and change.三年後將是國際婦女節100周年,也是各為婦女為全球平等和改變共同行動100周年。
  • 19As most of you will know it was the club's centenary year and the current owners spared no expense in the celebrations.你們都知道那是俱樂部的百年慶典,現在的這位老闆毫不吝嗇的讓我們大肆慶祝。
  • 20In the pain that still reverberates on its centenary, the story is a reminder that history can often be wrenchingly personal.值此一百年之際,在這仍時時迴響的疼痛中,這個故事提醒著我們歷史常常是一段私人的揪心往事。
  • 21It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future. Let me elaborate this further, in three aspects.我們秉持著這種精神和價值,來慶祝創校一百周年,展望港大的未來。在此,本人想從三方面加以闡釋。
  • 22With the centenary of cinema in 1995, the cinephile is free to select and view multitudes of films according to his or her own taste.在1995年電影誕辰百年之際,電影愛好者可以根據自己的趣味選擇觀看大量電影。
  • 23This, perhaps, is the best commemoration of the centenary of the International women's Day, and warmest greetings to women of the world!或許,這才是對三八國際婦女節誕生一百周年最好的紀念,才是對世界各國婦女最為切實的節日祝願!


