1: This bizarre deep-water fish called the Barreleye has a transparent head and tubular eyes.
2:一般來說,桶眼魚在水中靜靜地漂流,用它巨大的鰭保持穩定,同時掃描上面的水體尋找食物。Typically, the barreleye sits quietly in the water, using its big fins for stability while it scans the water above for food. 3:由於眼睛呈管狀,此前科學家認為這種魚的視力相對狹隘。The barreleye is adapted for life in a pitch-black environment of the deep sea, where sunlight does not reach. 4:台北時間2月24日訊息,據美國生活科學網報導,1939年生物學家首次在深海發現一種外形奇特的"管眼魚",它長著透明的腦袋和管狀眼睛。Now scientists say the eyes rotate, allowing the barreleye to see directly forward or look upward through its transparent head. 5:它眼睛中的綠色素能過濾射入水面的太陽光,幫助它能夠探測到深海中發冷光的水母,或者直接位於其頭部以上位置的獵物。The green pigments in their eyes may filter out sunlight coming directly from the sea surface, helping the barreleye spot the bioluminescent glow of jellies or other animals directly overhead. 6:長著透明頭的魚可能是2009年最為怪異的一項自然發現。在2月公布的照片中,這條生活在太平洋的管眼魚正在炫耀它的透明腦袋以及管狀眼睛。據悉,這是迄今為止發現的第一個活標本。Perhaps the most bizarre nature discovery of the year—though Stephen Colbert put it a bit less delicately—a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its transparent head and barrel-like eyes in pictures released on February of the first specimen ever found alive. 7:新發現的雲型暱稱"雅克·庫斯托雲"。專家們6月表示,天空中出現的這些"狂暴"的雲海是自1951年以來首次觀察到的新雲型。Perhaps the most bizarre nature discovery of the year—though Stephen Colbert put it a bit less delicately—a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its transparent head and barrel-like eyes in pictures released on February of the first specimen ever found alive. 8:雖然Stephen Colbert用字沒那麼優雅,說它可能是今年自然界最醜怪的發現,但這隻太平洋大鰭後肛魚的確有透明的頭與槍管般的眼睛。二月公開的照片是首次發現到的樣本。Perhaps the most bizarre nature discovery of the year—though Stephen Colbert put it a bit less delicately—a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its transparent head and barrel-like eyes in pictures released on February of the first specimen ever found alive.