- 外文名:backwater
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈbækwɔːtə(r)]
- 美式發音:[ˈbækwɔːtər]
- 釋義:回水;死水;停滯不進的狀態或地方
《Backwater Just Take Me》是Status Quo演唱的歌曲,收錄在《Live》。歌曲歌詞 Down at Backwater junction rolling down the line In the dark early morning I heard the one-forty-nine I was walking down the highway needed...
倒槳(backwater,go astern)賽艇運動技術術語。賽艇正常划行時,運動員把槳葉放在水中,以槳葉正面拉槳,船艇則背著運動員方向前時。倒槳時,正好相反,運動員把槳葉放在水中,以槳葉正面推槳,船艇向著運動員前方即尾方向划進。倒槳...
【英譯】:backwater 釋義:ascent; backwater; damming; return water 【粵語口頭語】回水就是退票、退錢,這種事情,通常是在付錢買票之後又得不到滿意結果的時候發生。水受到障礙物、反向流或潮流的影響而上溯或倒流。如:淹回水而...
水庫回水(backwater of reservoir) 是指河道修建閘壩形成水庫後庫區水位壅高的現象。其縱剖面線稱回水線。水庫回水影響範圍與壩前水位高低及入庫流量大小有關。當入庫流量固定時,壩前水位愈高回水影響愈遠;當壩前水位不變時,入庫流量...
《船長黑鬍子》是一款IOS平台的套用。套用介紹 準備踏上有史以來最大規模的海盜尋寶冒險。與加勒比海上最令人生畏的海盜Backwater船長會面。幫助他搶奪危險的寶藏洞窟,找到有史以來最大的海盜寶藏,並營救Backwater的愛人Mary O‘Maley。...
The precondition that preserves subaqueous fan is the backwater environment of deeper or deep lacus.半深湖-深湖的滯水條件是水下扇得以保存的前提。Only at Titan's Ontario Lacus, as one interesting site is called, the ...
One moment Joseph Schwartz is a happily retired tailor in Chicago, 1949. The next he's a helpless stranger on Earth during the heyday of the first Galactic Empire. Earth, as he soon learns, is a backwater, jus...
But by the standards of the Greek and Roman worlds, Judea was a kind of insignificant backwater.但是根據希臘羅馬時代的標準,朱迪亞算是無足輕重的封閉地區。Pilate obviously is the governor of Judea at the time, but ...
The utility model availing circulation of the backwater interior the product to lubricate the piston device has the advantages of usableness, long life, and low manufacturing cost or the like.本實用新型利用產品內部回水循環...