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  • 外文名:axis
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈæksɪs]
  • 美式音標:[ˈæksɪs]


英 [ˈæksɪs] 美 [ˈæksɪs]
n. 軸,軸線;對稱中心線,對稱軸;(國家間的)聯盟;斑鹿(=chital,複數axis)
[ 複數 axes或axis或axises ]


optical axis 光軸 ; [解剖] 視軸
semi-major axis 長半軸 ; 長半徑
Axis Guide 軸套
Axis mundi 世界之軸 ; 宇宙軸 ; 世界軸
neutral axis 中軸 ; 中性軸中和軸
semi-minor axis 半短軸 ; 半短徑 ; 短半徑
Axis Arean 阿克斯競技場 ; 阿克斯體育競賽場
bearing axis 軸承中心線 ; [機] 軸承軸線 ; 軸承


  • The earth revolves on its axis. 地球環繞自身的軸心轉動。
  • The third axis is the longitudinal axis. 第三個軸是縱軸。
  • Precession, basically is the change in the direction of earth's axis of rotation. 歲差,基本上是地球自轉軸方向的改變。
  • The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun. 當行星繞太陽運行時,其軌道橢圓的主軸每次都會改變。
  • Once we get to feminism, feminism will have certain ideas of its own about the vertical axis. 當我們談到女性主義時,女性主義都會對豎軸有自己的解讀。
  • The Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual. 艾菲爾鐵塔是展示垂直軸虛擬程度的絕佳方式。
  • The mirrors could orbit—thousands of miles high—at the same speed as the earth turns on its axis. 這些鏡子可以在幾千英里的高空以地球繞地軸旋轉的速度運行。
  • What I'd like to do now is focus on a piece that emphasizes and foregrounds just the first axis, pitch. 現在我要做的是集中精力於一首樂曲,它所強調的、突出的只是這第一個軸,音高。
  • The inclination, or tilt, of Earth's axis also varies periodically, moving between 22 degrees and 5 degrees. 地軸的傾角也會周期性地變化,在22度到5度之間移動。
  • In the meantime, the Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual. 與此同時,艾菲爾鐵塔是展示垂直軸虛擬程度的絕佳方式。
  • Earth's unique and massive satellite, the Moon, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the obliquity of Earth's rotational axis. 地球獨特而巨大的衛星——月球,在穩定地球旋轉軸的傾角方面發揮了關鍵作用。
  • Finally, Earth's unique and massive satellite, the Moon, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the obliquity of Earth's rotational axis. 最後,月球作為地球獨特而巨大的衛星,在穩定地球旋轉軸的傾角方面發揮了關鍵作用。
  • Earth's orbit around the sun and tilt on its axis combine to carry us in this hemisphere further away from receiving the sun's rays most directly. 隨著地球圍繞太陽的軌道和軸的傾斜將我們帶到這個半球,我們更遠離直接接收太陽光線的地方。
  • The tilt of Earth's axis, toward the Sun at some times of the year and away from the Sun at other times, is responsible for the annual cycle of seasons. 地軸的傾斜在一年中的某些時候朝向太陽,而在其它時間遠離太陽,造成了每年的季節循環。
  • The axis of a circle is its diameter. 圓的對稱中心線就是直徑。
  • Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth. 火星自轉一周的時間比地球長。
  • The axis is pointing away from the sun in winter. 冬天,地軸指向遠離太陽的方向。
  • When the axis points away from the sun, you get less heat. 當地軸的指向遠離太陽時,得到的熱量就會變少。
  • The northern end of the earth's axis points towards the sun in summer. 在夏季,地軸的北端指向太陽。
  • When your town has winter, the earth's axis is pointing away from the sun. 當你所在的城鎮進入冬季時,地軸指向遠離太陽的方向。
  • The seasons are made by the northern end of the axis pointing towards or away from the sun. 季節是由地軸的北端指向或遠離太陽形成的。
  • Your part of the world gets more heat from the sun when the northern end of the axis points to the sun. 當地軸的北端指向太陽時,你所在的地方從太陽那裡獲得更多的熱量。
  • In England, the Saxons are thought to have used both horizontal- and vertical-axis wheels. 在英格蘭,通常認為撒克遜人同時使用水平和垂直軸的輪子。
  • The tilt of the earth's axis, that imaginary pole that runs through the center of the earth. 地軸是我們虛構的穿過地心的一個傾斜的直線軸。
  • The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace. 金星自轉一周需要243個地球日,因此來自太陽的熱量以更悠閒、更容易觀察到的速度被吸收和分配。
  • The principal square root function is defined using the nonpositive real axis as a branch cut. 主平方根函式是使用非正實軸作為分支切割定義的。
  • A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. 在每個薄片的遠端軸處發現具有密集的纖毛和凹坑的舌狀突。
  • A negative face has an outward normal pointing in a direction opposite that of the positive x-axis. 負向的外法線指向與正x軸相反的方向。
  • The theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed. 建立了同流環境中沿射流軸線的中心線稀釋的理論方程。


