awrem32.exe是Symantec PCAnywhere遠程控制相關程式。
- 中文名:awrem32.exe
- 出品者:Symantec
- 後台程式:否
- 病毒:否
進程檔案: awrem32 或者 awrem32.exe
進程名稱: PCAnywhere Remote Control Module
awrem32.exe是Symantec PCAnywhere遠程控制相關程式。
出品者: Symantec
屬於: Symantec PCAnywhere
系統進程: 否
後台程式: 否
使用網路: 是
硬體相關: 否
常見錯誤: 未知N/A
記憶體使用: 未知N/A
安全等級 (0-5): 0
間諜軟體: 否
廣告軟體: 否
病毒: 否
木馬: 否
進程檔案: awrem32.exe or awrem32
進程名稱: PCAnywhere Remote Control Module
awrem32.exe is a process belonging to the Symantec PCAnywhere remote control solution which allows remote control access to other PC's on your Local or Wide area network. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.
Recommendation for awrem32.exe:
awrem32.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.
Author: Symantec
Part Of: Symantec PCAnywhere
安全等級 (0-5): 0
間諜軟體: No
病毒: No ( Remove awrem32.exe )
木馬: No ( Remove awrem32.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: Yes
Background Process: No
Uses Network: Yes
Hardware Related: No
Common awrem32.exe Errors: N/A