



  • 外文名:attentively
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[əˈtentɪvli]
  • 美式發音:[əˈtentɪvli]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


I attentively 我很用心了
watch attentively 專心地觀察 ; 注視
Attentively Lives 用心去生活


  • 1She soon knew them, too, for she had listened attentively.她很快也認出了它們,因為她一直在聚精會神地聽著。
  • 2A squirrel was perched on Dickon's bent back attentively nibbling a nut.一隻松鼠蹲在狄肯彎著的背上,專心地啃著一顆堅果。
  • 3Heidi had listened attentively, and said now with sparkling eyes, "If I could only read already!"海蒂聚精會神地聽著,眼睛閃閃發光地說:“我要是能讀書就好了!”
  • 4After looking around attentively in the room, she asked, "Where am I going to sleep, grandfather?"她聚精會神地環顧四周,問道:“爺爺,我要睡在哪兒呢?”
  • 5To make a conversation interesting, it is important that you listen to the other party attentively.為了使談話有趣,聚精會神地傾聽對方是很重要的。
  • 6Listening attentively, the two women would say to each other sometimes: "Do you hear what she says about the uncle?"兩個女人聚精會神地聽著,有時會對對方說:“你聽到她怎么說大叔了嗎?”
  • 7Make it a practice to preview attentively the titles, captions, headings, and other material connected with graphics.要養成專心預覽題目、說明文字、標題和其他與圖形相關的材料的習慣。
  • 8He had his audience listening attentively.他抓住了聽眾的注意力。《牛津詞典》
  • 9He questioned Chrissie, and listened attentively to what she told him.他詢問了克麗茜,專注地聽了她的講述。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10"It's a very clean cut," said the Rat, examining it again attentively.“傷口很整齊。”水鼠蘭特說,又仔細地檢查了一遍。
  • 11Heidi had listened attentively, and said now: "Grandmother, I know what I shall do."海蒂認真地聽著,說:“奶奶,我知道我該怎么做了。”
  • 12Even though he couldn't see her, she "looked attentively at his face with such kindness," a passenger reported.一名乘客說,雖然他看不見她,但她“很友善地注視著他的臉”。
  • 13When we're talking with others, we can nod at the speaker from time to time to show that we're listening attentively.當與他人交談時,我們可以不時向說話者點頭,以表明我們正在認真傾聽。
  • 14I watched his movements attentively.我注視這他的一舉一動。
  • 15The audience is [are] listening attentively.聽眾都在聚精會神地聽著。
  • 16They listened attentively to the teacher.他們專心聽老師講課。
  • 17He pretended to be listening attentively.他假裝著在認真聽課。
  • 18I listened to him attentively, looking into his eyes.我看著他的眼睛,聽他娓娓道來。
  • 19Adam is listening to the teacher more attentively than Alan.亞當比艾倫更全神貫注地在聽老師講課。
  • 20They listened attentively to the criticism of the customers.他們洗耳恭聽顧客的批評意見。
  • 21The children listened to these amusing anecdotes attentively.孩子們專心地聽這些有趣的軼事。
  • 22When buying food, read attentively the labels on the food products.當購買食物時,仔細地閱讀食物上的標籤。
  • 23He was listening attentively and enjoying every precious minute of life.他靜靜地傾聽著,享受生命里每一分鐘。
  • 24When Hua was walking attentively, he was stunned at a cross he saw in the street.老栓正在專心走路,忽然吃了一驚,遠遠里看見一條丁字街,明明白白橫著。
  • 25The audience immediately went into complete silence and listened attentively.頓時台下鴉雀無聲,聽眾凝神聆聽。
  • 26I watch the fly calmly and attentively so that when the fish strikes, I strike.我安靜地聚精會神地注視著釣餌,當魚上釣了的時候,我也上釣了。
  • 27With respect to your children, listen attentively to them without offering advice.關於你的孩子,認真的聽他們,不要提供建議。
  • 28They listened attentively while he poured out all his plans for transforming the area.在他講述改造這個地區的構想時,他們都仔細地聽著。
  • 29I have also listened attentively to the statements made by Mr. DE Kermabon and Mr. Hyseni.我也認真聽取了德科爾馬邦先生和海森尼先生的發言。


