



  • 外文名:astound
  • 詞性:動詞




astound language滿滿的鄉愁與苦痛
exactly astound受驚
astound by使驚駭
Astound Land震驚之地
astound at使驚駭
astound d使驚駭 ; 使吃驚 ; 使震驚
astound sb使某人大吃一驚


  • 1He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.他過去常以身體耐力之好令其朋友們震驚。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The ease of use will astound you.易用性將你震驚。
  • 3Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.訴說一千個讓你驚奇的故事。
  • 4To make it to this list, a lens has to astound.為了讓這份名單,一個鏡頭要震驚。
  • 5This exhibit was not designed to astound but to interest.這個展覽並非要讓任何人驚奇,只是想讓人們感興趣。
  • 6A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.全部節目將使尊敬的觀眾驚心動魄。
  • 7It may sound silly, but these sort of things just astound me.這聽起來也許有些愚蠢,但這類事情卻使我震驚。
  • 8His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.他對事物的實際掌握和他充沛的精力實在使我驚異。
  • 9Eager to astound, he was always on the lookout for really big problems.熱心的驚駭,他總是對於真的大問題在注意上。
  • 10We had to do something truly awe-inspiring... something that would astound and amaze.我們必須做出某些真正令人嘆為觀止的東西…或者說足以震驚世界的驚雷。
  • 11If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.假如我們把自己力所能及的事都完成了,我們會真的令自己大吃一驚。 -Thomas Alva Edison 愛迪生。
  • 12Our lineup has changed many times, but never our aim, which is to astound and terrify you!我們的演員陣容改變了許多次,但我們的宗旨始終不變,那就是要讓你們感到震驚和害怕!
  • 13He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking.我們總是驚訝於她不回頭看就能背投中的扣籃技術。
  • 14He was astound at his emotional change. He was able to laugh though he was in such a dilemma.他震驚在自己的這種情緒變化里,原來他還是笑得出來的。
  • 15Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you!裡面的她是更加美麗壯觀的世界,充滿的聲與美,會讓你大吃一驚!
  • 16It wasn't until after the war, however, that the weapon that would astound the world took its final form.但是,直至二戰結束以後,這一震驚世界的武器才最終造成。
  • 17"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." — Thomas Alva Edison.“如果我們所有人都在做我們都會做的事情,我們一定會把自己嚇到。”——托馬斯·阿爾瓦·愛迪生。
  • 18If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. "— Thomas Alva Edison".“如果我們所有人都在做我們都會做的事情,我們一定會把自己嚇到。”——托馬斯·阿爾瓦·愛迪生。
  • 19In this way, you are assured of continually floating in a sea of miracles that will astound you with their beauty.在這樣的方式下保證你將在充滿著美麗驚喜的奇蹟之海中流動著。
  • 20As you hold these frequencies, you will bring information onto the planet that will astound and shock most of the world.因為你們持有這些頻率振動,你們將把信息帶到行星上,信息將使你們世界多數人的感到震驚。
  • 21When art, creativity, and the love of pleasing are added to the mix, new-style practitioners create amazing edibles that surprise, fascinate, and even astound.當藝術、創造性以及愉悅的熱愛融聚一體,新風格開拓者便創造出令人驚喜、著迷,甚至震撼的佳作。
  • 22To do that, you must delegate wherever possible the tasks that can be carried out by others - if you encourage, empower and motivate them the results will astound you.為了能做到這點,你需要儘量把能去叫別人做的工作都交給別人去做——如果你鼓勵,激勵並授權給別人的話,其結果會令你驚喜的。
  • 23He had arrived feeling sore that his unpublished novel, “The Temptation of Saint Anthony”, with which he meant to astound the literary world, had failed to impress his friends.福樓拜參觀此地時心情十分低落,他寫作的小說《聖安東尼的誘惑》本欲在出版後震驚文壇,結果連朋友也認為不值一讀。
  • 24Dining in la Rochefoucault, named for the family who formerly called the chateau home, will astound your senses with its culinary delights and choice of 400 wines served from the cellar.拉羅什福科家族曾是城堡的主人,這裡的餐廳亦以家族的名字命名,餐廳的美食和酒窖中400種葡萄酒都將衝擊你的感官。


