astable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“不穩定的;[電子] 非穩態的”。
- 外文名:astable
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:[ei'steibl]
- 釋義:不穩定的;[電子] 非穩態的
astable,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“不穩定的;[電子] 非穩態的”。
無穩態振盪器(astable multivibrator)亦稱自激多諧振盪器。電路中,施加電源VCC後,電晶體T1和T2在電容的作用下,反覆導通、截止,產生持續振盪。導通或截止的狀態決定與電流的平衡。其產生的脈衝具有高、低兩種狀態並交替轉換,即只有兩個暫態所以稱為無穩態電路。由於其產生的矩形脈衝是由基波和許多高次諧波組成,...
僕らの始まり Astable Multivibrator 我們的開始 Astable Multivibrator 臼田美夫 ばるさみこすくん 高山秀樹 Kim nanum D6 監物Kevin雄太 森前和也 月海充 藤田正幸 4 繋がる願い 3way Handshaking 相系的願望 3way Handshaking 加藤大志 加藤大志 佐久間瑞希 柄谷綾子 宮田奈保美 臼田美夫 佐久間瑞希 冢本龍...
NE555的作用範圍很廣,但一般多套用於單穩態多諧振盪器(Monostable Multivibrator)及無穩態多諧振盪器(Astable Multivibrator)。下面是NE555的典型套用電路。多諧振盪器 電阻R1、R2和電容C1構成定時電路。定時電容C1上的電壓UC作為高觸發端TH(6腳)和低觸發端TL(2腳)的外觸發電壓。放電端D(7腳)接在R1和R2...
[1]Yuxiang Mao, Yanbin Li,Jennifer Richards, and Yong Cai. Investigating Uptake and Translocation of Mercury Species bySawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) Using aStable Isotope Tracer Technique. Environmental Science& Technology, 2013, 47 (17). (SCI 收錄, IF: 5.2)[2]Yanbin Li, Yong Cai.Progress ...
6.4.3 Astable Circuits 6.5 Perspective: Choosing a Clocking Strategy 6.6 Summary 6.7 To Probe Funher 6.8 Exercises and Design Problems PART 11: A SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE Chapter 7: Designing Arithmetic Building Blocks 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Datapaths in Digital Processor Architectures 7.3 The ...
7-6 The Astable Multivibrator 249 Chapter 8?Shift Registers 261 8-1 Shift Register Operations 261 8-2 Types of Shift Register Data I/Os 262 8-3 Bidirectional Shift Registers 270 8-4 Shift Register Counters 272 8-5 Shift Register Applications 275 8-6 Logic Symbols with ...
7–6 The Astable Multivibrator 291 System Application Activity 294 Chapter 8 Counters 308 8–1 Asynchronous Counters 308 8–2 Synchronous Counters 316 8–3 Up/Down Synchronous Counters 322 8–4 Design of Synchronous Counters 326 8–5 Cascaded Counters 335 8–6 Counter Decoding 338 8–7 Counter...
Reading Material B Removal of Geosmin and Methylisoborneol from Drinking Water by Adsorption on Uhrastable Zeolite-Y Unit 10 Sedimentation Reading Material A Coagulation and Flocculation Reading Material B Colloidal Dispersions Unit 11 Filtration Reading Material A Filter Components Reading Material B ...
astarboard,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“向右舷”。短語搭配 Hard astarboard 右滿舵 All astarboard 右滿舵 astarboard d 向右舵 Wheel hard astarboard 滿舵右 單詞釋義 [水運]在右舷 ...assurer保險人保險商astablemultivibrator非穩多諧振盪器astarboard在右舷...向右舷 ...在右舷正橫...
7–6 The Astable Multivibrator 291 System Application Activity 294 Chapter 8 Counters 308 8–1 Asynchronous Counters 308 8–2 Synchronous Counters 316 8–3 Up/Down Synchronous Counters 322 8–4 Design of Synchronous Counters 326 8–5 Cascaded Counters 335 8–6 Counter Decoding 338 8–7 Counter...