ascribe是一個英語單詞,動詞,作動詞時意為“ 歸因於;歸咎於”。
- 外文名:ascribe
- 詞性:動詞
- 1We ascribe great importance to these policies.我們認為這些政策十分重要。《牛津詞典》
- 2We do not ascribe a superior wisdom to government or the state.我們並不將勝人一籌的智慧歸屬於政府或國家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3Even without gadgets that understand our spoken commands, research suggests that, as bizarre as it sounds, under certain circumstances, people regularly ascribe human traits to everyday objects.研究表明,即使沒有能夠理解我們口頭指令的小工具,在某些情況下,人們也會經常認為日常物品具有人的特性,儘管這聽起來很奇怪。
- 4I would not ascribe vice to him.我不願意把罪過歸給他。
- 5Scholars ascribe the trend to many causes.學者對這種趨勢的原因眾說紛紜。
- 6If I infer an intention, I ascribe meaning.如果我推斷出一個意圖,我就會賦予它意義。
- 7If I infer no intention, I ascribe no meaning.若我沒有推斷出任何意圖,那么我不會賦予它意義。
- 8It seems perfectly natural to ascribe fear to Hal.賦予哈爾恐懼感,這似乎也是自然而然。
- 9Seems natural to ascribe depression to Marvin, the robot.消極"用在機器人身上,似乎再自然不過
- 10Google seems mystified by those who ascribe bad intentions to it.對於那些把壞的意圖歸咎於它的人來說,Google似乎有點讓人迷惑不解。
- 11Some ascribe healing powers to the muddy shores and mineral-rich salts.一些人把這些歸因於泥濘的海岸和高礦物質含量。
- 12The Monetary Maniacs may ascribe the entire move to low interest rates.貨幣至上論者可能會將整個上漲歸因於低利率。
- 13David asked about the word ascribe which literally means “to write.”大衛詢問我ascribe(歸於,歸功於)的詞源。 這個詞的字面含義是“寫”。
- 14In 1382 one of the meanings of ascribe was to write into an accounts book.1382年,ascribe的一個意思是把賬記到會計簿里。
- 15I ascribe most of the problem to early adoption and inappropriate use.有的人可能只在藥店裡買了幾劑藥。我認為,主要問題是用藥較早和用藥不當。
- 16So that's I think the position that we ought to ascribe to the dualist.所以我認為,這應歸入二元論者的立場。
- 17The world always seems to ascribe financial success to superior intelligence.世界似乎總是將金融方面的成功歸因於勝人一籌的智力。
- 18People often ascribe negative motivations to behavior they don't understand.人們通常會為自己不理解的行為尋找陰暗的動機。
- 19I can only ascribe this uncommon behaviour of theirs to my being a foreigner.我只能把他們這種不平常的行為,認定為我是一個外國人的緣故。
- 20I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.我要將所知道的從遠處引來,將公義歸給造我的主。
- 21Ascribe to the Lord, o families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.民中的萬族阿,你們要將榮耀能力歸給耶和華,都歸給耶和華。
- 22Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts.要將耶和華的名所當得的榮耀歸給他,拿供物來進入他的院宇。
- 23But by their nature, these capital flows among nations are hard to ascribe to one country alone.但就其本質而言,這種國家間的資本流動很難單獨歸咎於某一個國家。
- 24He pointed out that some words carry with them a sense of good or bad; ascribe being one of these words.他指出,某些詞自身隱含著褒義或貶義,ascribe就是其中之一。
- 25This contradicts common victim-blaming attitudes that ascribe high levels of home births to “cultural preferences” or “ignorance”.這一點與通常將在家分娩的高發生率歸因於 “文化偏愛”或“無知”的指責態度相左。
- 26It is difficult to ascribe the preferences and desires of women in 15th-century Italy and 21st-century Iran to socialization by media.所以,很難把15世紀的義大利女性和21世紀的伊朗女性的偏愛與渴望歸因於社會化媒體。