adj. 弓形的,彎曲的
The tectonic trends in the granulite massif are arcuate . 變粒岩地塊的構造走向是弧形。
The ultrastructure of arcuate nucleus had obvious pathologic changes. 弓狀核超微結構出現明顯病理學改變。
The branches from the peroneal artery to the distal fibula are arcuate arteries. 腓動脈至腓骨下段的分支為弓形動脈。
The shape of leaf margin in transverse section can be divided into arcuate and cuneate. 石蒜屬植物橫切面上葉緣的形狀分為圓弧形和楔形兩種類型。
Aim: to explore the effect of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (arc) on the skeleton in rat. 目的:探討下丘腦弓狀核對大鼠骨骼的影響。
Dynamic balancing machine unit axis is vibration actuating in two ways: arcuate cyclotron. 動平衡機機組軸線不正會引動兩種方式的振動:弓狀迴旋。
Many of these hormones act at a brain region in the hypothalamus called the arcuate nucleus. 這些激素作用在丘腦下部的被稱為弓狀核的大腦區域。
Cheniers have a parallel, gently arcuate alignment reflecting the migratory history of the shoreline. 沙脊呈平行的、微弓形排列,這能反映濱線遷移的歷史。
Conclusion EB can retrieve the metabolic disorder of serum lipids in rats with arcuate nucleus lesion. 結論EB對弓狀核損毀的雌性大鼠血脂代謝紊亂有治療作用。
Objective: To observe the ultrastructural changes of arcuate nucleus in hypothalamus of D-gal aging rats. 目的:觀察d -半乳糖衰老模型大鼠下丘腦弓狀核超微結構的變化。
The density of NOS positive fibers also could be seen in the arcuate nucleus and medial forebrain bundle. 在弓狀核、視前內側束內有密集的NOS陽性神經纖維。
Results : The fibular collateral ligament and the arcuate ligament can be better displayed in coronal planes. 結果:腓側副韌帶和弓狀韌帶在冠狀切片顯示較好;
The commercial oil and gas were got in more than 20 wells of two arcuate structural belts among the reservoirs. 已在其中的兩個弧形構造帶2 0餘口井獲商業油氣流。
Methods Arcuate nucleus lesion models were established by subcutaneous injection of MSG in newborn SD female rats. 方法皮下注射MSG建立新生SD雌性大鼠弓狀核損毀模型。
Discharge of 166 units of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (arc) area was recorded extracellularly in 75 immobilized rats. 在75隻清醒麻痹大鼠身上,記錄了下丘腦弓狀核(arc)區的166個單位放電。
The Sugaite structural belt in west Xinjiang was located at the front of arcuate nappe outliers of the Kunlun Mountains. 蘇蓋特構造帶位於新疆崑崙山弧形推覆體前緣。
Conclusion: the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus participated in the regulation of the growth and development of skeleton in rats. 結論:提示下丘腦弓狀核通過調節與骨代謝有關的激素參與全身骨骼生長發育的調控。
One type of brain cell in the arcuate produces chemicals that activate the appetite. Another type makes appetite-quashing molecules. 一類弓狀核的腦細胞產生引發食慾的分子,另一類則產生抑制食慾的分子。
This paper discusses the features of development and formation of the Pearl River System, based on plate theory and arcuate structure. 本文根據大地弧形構造及板塊理論研討珠江水系的發育、形成特點。
The ended fracture segment is much discontinuous, arranged in arcuate or left stepped form, and part spreads out along the branch fault. 末端破裂段多不連續,呈弧形或左階排列,部分沿支斷層展布。
Guangxi is located in south of China, is moutainous region where landform are complex and there is a arcuate moutain in the middle area. 位於中國南部的廣西,地層組成複雜,起源古老,地區差別大;
Objective:The purpose of this study was elucidating the thermoregulation function of arcuate nuclei with electrophysiological experiment. 目的:為弓狀核的體溫調節功能提供電生理學依據。
Objective: To provide morphological basis for investigating the relationship between the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and the hypertension. 目的:為探討弓狀核與高血壓的關係提供形態學基礎。
Conclusion: The hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve and arcuate eminence are important landmarks to defined internal auditory canal. 結論:岩大神經管裂孔、弓狀隆起等顳骨岩部結構是定位內耳道的重要標誌。
The filter box 22, airflow grate 22a and arcuate-shaped cover 20 are preferably constructed of a generally rigid, molded polymeric material. 過濾盒22,氣流柵22a和弓形外罩20優選地通常由硬模塑聚合物材料構成。
In the construction for consolidating finished products pocket in Tonglushan Mine, Primary the arcuate shuttering was used to placing concrete. 在加固銅綠山礦成品礦倉的施工中,原用弧形模進行混凝土澆灌。
The arcuate nappe structure on the northern margin of the Wuliang Mountains in western Yunnan is a complex nappe system with multiple superimposed structures. 滇西無量山北緣弧形推覆構造是一個具有多重疊置結構的複雜推覆系統。