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  • 外文名:archaeology
  • 詞性:名詞




prehistoric archaeology[古]史前考古學 ; 史前考古
Environmental Archaeology環境考古學 ; 環境考古
Classical Archaeology古典考古學 ; 授正統考古學
molecular archaeology分子考古學
Agricultural Archaeology茶葉包裝設計 ; 綠毛龜產地考述及養殖 ; 略論中國史前農業的發展及其特點
Discovering Archaeology發現考古學
earthquake archaeology地震考古
contextual archaeology脈絡考古學 ; 情境考古學
Community Archaeology社區考古 ; 社區考古學


  • 1Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology.航空攝影已經給考古學研究帶來了一場革命。《牛津詞典》
  • 2A distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology.必須對嚴格意義上的考古學和以科學為基礎的考古學加以區分。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Michel Foucault (1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK.米歇爾•福柯(1972),《知識考古學》,下文簡稱AK。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Listen to part of a lecture in an archaeology class.請聽考古學課上的部分內容。
  • 5The Clovis point may be the most analyzed artifact in archaeology.克洛維斯矛頭可能是考古學中被分析得最多的手工藝品。
  • 6Tom, in your archaeology class, did you talk about radiocarbon dating?湯姆,你在考古學課上有沒有討論過放射性碳年代測定法?
  • 7Last semester I took an archaeology class and we spent a lot of time studying ways to date things.上學期我上了一門考古學的課,在這門課上我們花了很多時間來研究確定物件日期的方法。
  • 8You might think that this never happens any more, given all the research in archaeology that's been done.基於考古學界做過的所有研究,你可能認為這種情況不會再發生了。
  • 9It mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of Egyptian artifacts and archaeology for many many centuries.很多個世紀以來,它使研究埃及古器物和考古學的最傑出的人都感到困惑。
  • 10The best information on early population movements is now being obtained from the 'archaeology of the living body', the clues to be found in genetic material.關於早期人口遷移的最佳信息現在可以從“活體考古學”中獲取,這是在遺傳物質中發現的線索。
  • 11There is one stubborn question for which archaeology has yet to provide any answers: how did the Lapita accomplish the ancient equivalent of a moon landing, many times over?有一個考古學家還沒有給出任何答案的棘手問題:拉皮塔人是如何在遠古時代完成相當於現今多次登月一樣的任務?
  • 12Major question in the archaeology of the southwestern region of the United States is why so many impressive settlements, and even entire regions, were abandoned in prehistoric times.美國西南地區考古學的主要問題是:為什麼這么多不俗的定居點,甚至整個西南地區,都在史前時代被遺棄了呢?
  • 13A major question in the archaeology of the southwestern region of the United States is why so many impressive settlements, and even entire regions, were abandoned in prehistoric times.美國西南地區考古的一個主要問題是,為什麼這么多令人印象深刻的定居點,甚至整個地區,在史前時代就被廢棄了。
  • 14Experimental archaeology seemed to be the solution: a boat reconstruction, half-scale or full-sized, would permit assessment of the different hypotheses regarding its build and the missing end.實驗考古學似乎是解決方案:半尺寸或全尺寸的船隻重建將允許評估有關其建造和丟失端的不同假設。
  • 15He specializes in archaeology.他專修考古學。
  • 16He knows more archaeology than most people.在考古方面他比大多數人知道得多。
  • 17For me, archaeology is about having a good time.對我來說,考古學應該是一件很快樂的事情。
  • 18ONLINE archaeology can yield surprising results.網上考古學可能研究出意想不到的結果。
  • 19He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology.他不能看傑克的考古報導了。
  • 20ARCHAEOLOGY can be a dirty business in more ways than one.從不止一個角度看,考古學都可能是“骯髒”的事。
  • 21Mike: He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology.邁克:他不能看傑克的考古報導了。
  • 22Archaeology is a very convenient tool for creating national identities.要創建民族特性,考古學是一種非常便利的工具。
  • 23Someone has just gotten a PHD in anthropology, or I guess archaeology probably.他剛剛獲得了人類學的博士學位,或者有可能是考古學。
  • 24In six years Taposiris Magna has become one of Egypt's most active archaeology sites.六年之後,馬格納城已成為埃及最為活躍的考古地區。
  • 25And this fellow had East Asian genes. The finding appears in the Journal of Roman Archaeology.測試結果顯示,此人有東亞人的基因,這一發現還被刊登在《羅馬考古學學報》上。
  • 26One of them, Tel Aviv University's Raphael Greenberg, flatly states, "It's bad for archaeology.質疑者這一,特拉維夫大學的拉斐爾·格林伯格(Raphael Greenberg)就直言不諱的聲明說,“這種做法對考古學並無益處。
  • 27Archaeology students examine Khirbat en Nahas, an ancient copper-smelting center south of the Dead Sea.考古專業的學生們正在檢查克巴特·恩-納哈斯遺址,這裡是位於死海以南的一處古老銅冶煉中心。
  • 28Images of this change will be on show at the the NTNU Museum of Natural History and Archaeology this summer.今年暑期在挪威科技大學自然歷史與考古博物館將會展現這些最新的變化。


