Asian Archaeology 4(亞洲考古第四輯英文版)

Asian Archaeology 4(亞洲考古第四輯英文版)

《Asian Archaeology 4(亞洲考古第四輯英文版)》是2019年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吉林大學邊疆考古研究中心


  • 中文名:Asian Archaeology 4(亞洲考古第四輯英文版)
  • 作者吉林大學邊疆考古研究中心
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 頁數:147 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787030479648


Asian Archaeology, an annual, English-language journal, is edited by the Research Center for ChineseFrontier Archaeology of Jilin University, a Chinese Ministry of Education sponsored Key ResearchInstitute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities. This volume of the journal containsten papers and book reviews covering the regions of East Asia, including China, and the EurasianSteppe; the research areas include the processes of social complexity, early salt production, the for-mation of the Xiongnu confederation, and cultural exchange and interaction. Among the papersare the latest research results on the Liangzhu Culture, as well as archaeological science research onancient DNA, materials analysis of ancient objects, and others. The volume also includes two bookreviews of recently published monographs on Asian archaeology. Asian Archaeology offers scholars around the world doing research in Asian archaeology an accessi-ble, English-language reference work.


The "Lei" Plow: An Ancient East Asian Agricultural Implement
A Realm of Gods and Kings: The Recent Discovery of Liangzhu City and the Rise of Civilization in South China
Ceramic Management at Salt Production Sites during the Early Bronze Age in Northern Shandong, China
The Northern Zone and Mongolian Plateau Metallurgical Province: The Cultural Foundations of the Xiongnu Confederation
Details and Fragments of Chinese Chariots of the Han Dynasty from Noyon-uul in the Collections of the State Hermitage Museum: Complex Research Using the Methods of Art History and the Natural Sciences
Lithic Reduction Techniques in the Benxi Region: An Experimental Approach
Ancient DNA Analysis of Uigher Human Skeletal Remains from Durvuljin No. 1 of the KhuLhiin Am Site, Mongolia
A Brief Introduction to New Discoveries and Research in Chinese Archaeology in 2014
Anke Hein: Book Review of Rowan K. Flad and Pochan Chen, Ancient Central China: Centers and
Tricia E. Owlett: Book Review of Gideon Shelach-Lavi, The Archaeology of Early China: From Prehistory to the Han Dynasty
Call for Papers

