



  • 外文名:anthropologist
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌænθrəˈpɒlədʒɪst]
  • 美式發音:[ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒɪst]


cultural anthropologist 文化人類學家 ; 文化人類學
applied anthropologist 套用人類學家
literature anthropologist 文學人類學派
psychological anthropologist 心理人類學家 ; 心理
Forensic Anthropologist 人類學家 ; 法醫人類學家
Physical Anthropologist 體質人類學家 ; 名人類學家
psychologist anthropologist 心理人類學家


  • 1Look at your work environment like an anthropologist.像人類學家一樣觀察你的工作環境。
  • 2The biological anthropologist Christy Turner is an expert in the analysis of changing physical characteristics in human teeth.生物人類學家克里斯蒂·特納是分析人類牙齒的物理特性變化的專家。
  • 3The anthropologist Alexander Marshack has an interesting interpretation of some of the engravings made during the Upper Paleolithic.人類學家亞歷山大·馬沙克對舊石器時代晚期的一些雕刻有一個有趣的解釋。
  • 4"If you would have asked an anthropologist or archaeologist how many people lived in these Amazon uplands, they'd say almost zero," he said.他說:“如果你去問一個人類學家或者考古學家,多少人曾居住在這些亞馬遜高地,他們會說幾乎為零。”
  • 5We'll come back to these issues in a minute, but I'd like to say something about the theories of Robin Dunbar—an anthropologist at Oxford University.我們稍後會回到這些議題上,但我想談談羅賓·鄧巴的理論——他是牛津大學的人類學家。
  • 6Anthropologist Shepard Krech points out that large animal species vanished even in areas where there is no evidence to demonstrate that Paleoindians hunted them.人類學家謝潑德·克雷奇指出,即使在沒有證據證明古印第安人獵殺大型動物的地區,大型動物也滅絕了。
  • 7"In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we've pretty much gone as far as we can go," says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright State University.萊特州立大學的人類學家威廉·卡梅倫·楚姆利說:“在今天的一般人群中,在這種遺傳和環境水平下,我們已經走到了我們力所能及的程度。”
  • 8The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together.人類學家瑪麗·道格拉斯指出,對於英國人來說,餐飲的種類和提供的食物關係到一起吃飯的人之間的社會關係。
  • 9A Harvard anthropologist has proposed that using fire to cook food could be dated back to almost two million years and that it could explain hominid features like having a large brain and small teeth.哈佛大學的一位人類學家提出,用火做飯可以追溯到近200萬年前,這可以解釋人類的一些特徵,比如大腦大,牙齒小。
  • 10Anthropologist termed this "politics of ethnocide" in Nicaragua.人類學家將這種現象稱為尼加拉瓜的“種族滅絕政治”。
  • 11I'm also a social anthropologist, diseuse, chanteuse, children's book illustrator.我也是一名社會人類學家、朗誦藝術家、女歌手和兒童書籍插畫家。
  • 12Anthropologist Caley Orr says that he grew up skateboarding, but now he prefers hands to feet.人類學家卡利·奧爾說,他是玩滑板長大的,但現在他更喜歡用雙手而不是雙腳。
  • 13I am an anthropologist, a costly trained anthropologist.我是一個人類學家,受過專業訓練。
  • 14Status can take two forms, says anthropologist Joe Henrich, also at UBC.地位的獲得可以採取兩種形式,同屬UBC大學的人類學家喬·海因里希說道。
  • 15He seems there to be a kind of anthropologist writing a natural history.他看似,以人類學家角色寫自然演變史。
  • 16Carol Worthman, PhD, an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.卡洛·沃斯曼,博士,人類學家,供職於喬治亞州亞特蘭大市的埃默里大學。
  • 17Anthropologist Caley Orr says he grew up skateboarding, but now he prefers hands to feet.人類學家卡利·奧爾說,他是玩滑板長大的,但現在他更喜歡雙手而不是雙腳。
  • 18Maslow is undoubtedly the most influential anthropologist ever to have worked in industry.馬斯洛無疑是有史以來在工廠工作過的的人類學家中最有影響力的一個。
  • 19"In 83 years it has botched every opportunity," anthropologist Scott Atran wrote last week.人類學家斯科特·阿特蘭上周寫道:“八十三年,他們搞砸了每一次機會。”
  • 20As anthropologist Shara Bailey at New York University says, they were like "external" teeth.正如紐約大學的人類學家沙雷·貝利所說,它們簡直就是“外部”的牙齒。
  • 21Anthropologist Barry Bogin of Loughborough University, UK, has a slightly different take on it.英國拉夫堡大學的人類學家巴里·博金對此問題的看法卻略有所不同。
  • 22The answer may lie in the research by an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist Robin Dunbar.這個問題或許可以在人類學家和進化生物學家Robin Dunbar的研究中找到答案。
  • 23This has been called "emotional capital" by the anthropologist William Ury at Harvard Law School.哈佛法學院的人類學家威廉·尤里將這種現象稱為“感情投資”。
  • 24A data manager, media coordinator, and medical anthropologist will also be arriving over the weekend.一名數據管理員、媒體協調員和醫學人類學家也將於周末抵達。


