

樸素真理,英文名:Bare Bones作 者/Author:Kathy Reichs 著出 版 社/Publisher:Simon & Schuster。“下時間”不是一個詞的辭彙。布倫南愛一連串的干擾情況下使她的假期計畫擱置,相反,她率領實驗室分析從一個可疑的火燒焦,和一個神秘的黑色殘留從一個小飛機失事中喪生。但最惱人的骨頭。


  • 書名:樸素真理
  • 作者:Kathy Reich
  • ISBN:9780743453004
  • 出版社:Simon & Schuster
  • 出版時間:2004-05-25
  • 裝幀:平裝


英文名:Bare Bones
出版時間/Publication Date:2004-05-25
頁 數/Pages:416
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘與驚悚)
圖書 > 英文原版書 > Literature & Fiction(文學與虛構類)
定 價:¥58.70


"Down time" is not a phrase in Tempe Brennan's vocabulary. A string of disturbing cases has put her vacation plans on hold; instead, she heads to the lab to analyze charred remains from a suspicious fire, and a mysterious black residue from a small plane crash. But most troubling of all are the bones. . . . Tempe's daughter's new boyfriend invites them to a picnic -- a pig pickin' -- in the North Carolina countryside, where a cache of bones turns up. But are they animal or human? X-rays and DNA may link the crimes, but they can't reveal who is closing in on Tempe and her daughter -- and how far they will go to keep her from uncovering the truth.


“下時間”不是一個詞的辭彙。布倫南愛一連串的干擾情況下使她的假期計畫擱置,相反,她率領實驗室分析從一個可疑的火燒焦,和一個神秘的黑色殘留從一個小飛機失事中喪生。但最惱人的骨頭。愛的女兒新交的男朋友邀請他們去野餐pickin——一隻豬——在北卡羅萊納的鄉村,那裡一個快取的骨頭翻出來。但動物或人類嗎?x -射線和DNA可以連結的罪行,但是他們不能透露是誰正在縮小在和她的女兒——愛,相隔多遠他們將去阻止她揭露真相。


Kathy Reichs, like her fictional creation, Temperance Brennan, is forensic anthropologist for the province of Quebec. She is Vice President of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, serves on the Canadian National Police Services Advisory Council, and is one of only fifty-six forensic anthropologists certified by the American Board of Forensic Anthropology. A professor of anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Dr. Reichs now divides her time between Charlotte and Montreal. Deja Dead, her debut novel, brought her fame when it became a New York Times bestseller and won the 1997 Ellis Award for Best First Novel. In 2007 Break No Bones was short- listed for the Ellis Award for Best Novel. Kathy Reichs is the inspiration for the television drama Bones; her latest novel featuring Temperance Brennan is Devil Bones. Her newest release, 206 Bones, is due out in the summer of 2009.


