



  • 外文名:angina
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ænˈdʒaɪnə]
  • 美式發音:[ænˈdʒaɪnə]


N-UNCOUNTAngina is severe pain in the chest and left arm, caused by heart disease. 心絞痛


angina decubitus 臥位型心絞痛 ; 臥位心絞痛 ; 心絞痛 ; 臥位型
Microvascular Angina 微血管性心絞痛 ; 心絞痛
angina parotidea 列性腮腺炎 ; 流行性腮腺炎 ; 翻譯 ; 流行性腮腺炎英語
crescendo angina 增重性心絞痛 ; 型心絞痛
Spontaneous angina 自發性心絞痛 ; 自髮型心絞痛
accelerating angina 惡化型心絞痛
angina gangraenosa 壞疽性咽峽炎 ; 翻譯
progressive angina 增重型心絞痛 ; 進行型心絞痛


  • 1He has recently been diagnosed with angina.他最近被診斷出患有心絞痛。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The group adopted the simpler, more descriptive title of Angina Support Group.該組織採用了更簡單、更具描述性的名稱——心絞痛支持組織。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Other signs of angina are nausea, sweating, feeling faint and shortness of breath.心絞痛的其他徵兆是噁心、出汗、感覺虛弱暈眩和氣短。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Discuss the pathogenic mechanism of Prinzmetal's variant angina pectoris. 探討變異型心絞痛的發生機制。
  • 5The objective is to study the effect of Fragmin in treatment of unstable angina.目的是研究低分子肝素對不穩定型心絞痛的療效。
  • 6Their cholesterol levels plummeted. Their angina disappeared.結果顯示,他們的膽固醇水平顯著地下降,心絞痛消失了,體重也減輕了。
  • 7This to me is still the best animal model of unstable angina pectoris.這是我做過的最滿意的不穩定心絞痛動物模型。
  • 8Angina pectoris is usually brief only a few minutes, less than 15 minutes.心絞痛發作通常是短暫的幾分鐘,很少超過15分鐘。
  • 9The blood supply to the heart is then reduced, resulting in painful angina.對心臟的血液供應就會減少,導致絞痛。
  • 10A stress test is not necessary for active people without symptoms of angina.對於活躍的人而言,如果沒有咽峽炎症狀,應激測試也不是必需的。
  • 11The main symptoms were similar to angina pectoris and to left heart failure.其常表現為類似心絞痛、類似左心衰的症狀,可伴有心律失常;
  • 12Extra strain on the heart may result in chest pain (angina) and other symptoms.對心臟的額外壓力可能會導致胸痛(心絞痛)和其他症狀。
  • 13Patients with severe angina had stem cells from their blood injected into their heart.該療法就是將患嚴重心絞痛病人的血液中的幹細胞植入病人心臟。
  • 14Objective to investigate the influence of azithromycin on unstable angina pectoris.目的探討阿奇黴素對不穩定型心絞痛的影響。
  • 15Methods: 74 patients of stable angina pectoris were divided in to two groups by chance.方法:74例缺血性心臟病穩定性心絞痛患者,隨機分兩組。
  • 16By improving modifiable risk factors, you can reduce your risk of heart attack or angina.通過改善可更改風險因素,你可以減少心臟病發作或者心絞痛的風險。
  • 17But Opatosky's cardiac problems persisted through the years, with angina and a heart murmur.但此後數年,奧帕圖斯基仍受心臟病之累,心絞痛和心雜音時時折磨著他。
  • 18Researchers believe the loss of these blood vessels contributes to the pain of chronic, severe angina.研究員認為這些血管的損失是產生慢性疼痛,嚴重心絞痛的原因。
  • 19Blockages can become severe enough to cause symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain (angina).當栓子的數量超出心臟的承受能力後,就會引起氣促或胸痛(心絞痛)等症狀。
  • 20This helps to prevent the blood from clotting and can reduce your risk of a heart attack and angina.這有助於防止血凝血和可以降低您的風險,心臟病發作和心絞痛。
  • 21The therapy, carried out by Chicago's Northwestern University, halved the number of bouts of angina chest pain.該療法由芝加哥西北大學研製,使心絞痛的發病幾率減少一半。
  • 22Viagra can be fatal if used in combination with nitrates, the drugs prescribed to treat heart problems such as angina.偉哥與硝酸鹽合用是致命的,儘管後者同樣是用於治療心絞痛的藥物。
  • 23Several years ago, after suffering chest pains, he was diagnosed with angina and told he would need to have surgery.許多年前,遭受了肺部疼痛之後林被檢查出患有心絞疼並被告知需要做手術。
  • 24Objective: to study the value of color kinesis echocardiography (CK) to the diagnosis of unstable angina pectoris (UAP).目的:評價超聲彩色室壁運動分析技術(CK)診斷不穩定性心絞痛的臨床價值。
  • 25The stem cell transplant is the first therapy to produce an improvement in severe angina subjects' ability to walk on a treadmill.幹細胞移植是引起改善嚴重心絞痛實驗者在跑步機上行走能力的第一療法。


