- 外文名:anent
- 詞性:介詞
- 英式發音:[ə'nent]
- 釋義:關於;對著……躺下
《Perryanent Love》是SVMP、Riiza演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Permanent Love》。歌曲歌詞 Hard liquor doesn't roll off the tongue 烈酒燒喉 Stains on my teeth make me nervous 殘留在牙尖的酒漬令我不安 But it's all worth it for one more night with you 但能與你再渡良宵,這一切都是值得的 Tell ...
anenst,英語單詞,主要用作介詞,作介詞時譯為“關於(等於anent)”。同近義詞 prep. 關於(等於anent)concerning,about,asfor,withreferenceto,inrelationto 單詞釋義 關於 ...anencephalic無腦畸型的anenst關於anent關於...
OT 【Old Testanent】《舊約全書》PA 【personal assistant】私人助理 PbD 【Doctor of Philosophy】哲學博士 PM 【Prime Minister】總理,首相 p.m .【post meridien(afternoon)】下午 PO 【Post Office】郵局 P型半導體 【P,positive,表示正的意思】空穴型半導體,主要靠空穴導電的半導體。pH值 【pouvoir ...
An Inquire the Root of Sensitivity from Film & TV-Play anent Religion in China………This article analyzes why the film & TV-play anent religion is so sensitive at the present time, in China. The exploration commences from some investigation, deep-interview and charts, and gives define when...
anent Fault","Theoretical Study of Power System Protection using Fault Component" etc, have awarded the prizes of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Education Committee of Shaanxi Province and the State Education Committee.Professor Ge has been working on teaching and research of Power System Protection and ...
Speech to Parlianent of 3I March I607 Speech to Parlianent of 2I March I610 Speech in Star Chamber of 20 June I6I6 A Meditation upon the 27th,28th and 29th Verses of the 27th chapter of Saint Matthew (1619)His Maiesties Declaration,touching his Proceedings in the Late Assenblie ...