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  • 外文名:amnesia
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[æmˈniːziə]
  • 美式音標:[æmˈniːʒə]


英 [æmˈniːziə] 美 [æmˈniːʒə]
n. 健忘症,[內科] 記憶缺失


nterograde amnesia 順行性遺忘症 ; [內科] 順行性遺忘 ; 遠事遺忘 ; 失憶症
Retrograde Amnesia 逆行性失憶症 ; [醫] 逆行性遺忘 ; 逆行性遺忘症 ; 倒攝遺忘
character amnesia 提筆忘字 ; 漢字健忘症
psychogenic amnesia 心因性失憶症 ; 心因性遺忘 ; 心因性失憶 ; 心因性記憶喪失
red amnesia 闖入者 ; 紅色失憶症 ; 紅色健忘症 ; 紅色失憶
Wind Named Amnesia 隨風而逝的記憶
progressive amnesia 進行性遺忘 ; 蔓延性失憶症 ; 舉行性遺忘
Hysterical amnesia 癔症性遺忘 ; 癔病性遺忘 ; 癔症性遺忘症
Cultural Amnesia 文化失憶 ; 文化健忘症


  • 1People suffering from amnesia don't forget their general knowledge of objects.患有失憶症的人不會忘記他們對物品的常識。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2What are the reasons for childhood amnesia?兒童患健忘症的原因有哪些?
  • 3It is called childhood amnesia and was first documented in 1893.它被稱為兒童健忘症,最早記錄於1893年。
  • 4These three explanations of infantile amnesia are not mutually exclusive; indeed, they support each other.對嬰兒健忘症的這三種解釋並不相斥;事實上,他們互相支持。
  • 5So, back to our question about the cause of childhood amnesia, there is something called the rate of forgetting.那么,回到我們的問題,關於兒童健忘症的原因,有一個叫做遺忘率的東西。
  • 6Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences prior to the age of three years, a phenomenon called infantile amnesia.大多數人都不能回憶起三歲之前的經歷,這種現象被稱為嬰兒失憶症。
  • 7Nor does the hypothesis that infantile amnesia reflects repression—or holding back—of sexually charged episodes explain the phenomenon.“嬰幼兒時期健忘症反映了孩子們抑制或隱藏強烈感情的人生經歷”這種假設也不能解釋這個現象。
  • 8Childhood amnesia may reflect a high rate of forgetting, in other words, children under the age of 3 do form memories and do so without language.兒童健忘症可能反映了很高的遺忘率,換句話說,3歲以下的兒童確實形成了記憶,而且是在沒有語言能力的情況下形成的。
  • 9A third likely explanation for infantile amnesia involves incompatibilities between the ways in which infants encode information and the ways in which older children and adults retrieve it.嬰兒期失憶症的第三種可能的解釋是,嬰兒編碼信息的方式與大一點的孩子及成年人獲取信息的方式並不一致。
  • 10The main clinical manifestations were consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking, amnesia, visual hallucination and behavioral disturbance.主要臨床表現為意識障礙,伴有思維紊亂、健忘、視覺幻覺和行為障礙。
  • 11The question of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for decades, especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young children can display impressive memory capabilities.幾十年來,嬰兒期遺忘為什麼會發生的這個問題一直使心理學家們十分好奇,尤其是在有大量證據表明嬰幼兒可以表現出令人印象深刻的記憶能力的情況下。
  • 12This is called gluteal amnesia.這個症狀叫臀肌失憶症。
  • 13Fatty foods give me amnesia.高脂肪的食物使我健忘。
  • 14Amnesia is one of their virtues.健忘是英國人的品德之一。
  • 15The result could be transient amnesia.其結果就有可能是短暫失憶的發生。
  • 16Or amnesia is disastrous?還是健忘是悲慘的?
  • 17The two main features of amnesia are.症狀遺忘症的兩類主要特徵包括。
  • 18At 91 degrees F, you can experience amnesia.在華氏91度(攝氏32.778度)時,你會經歷健忘症。
  • 19First of all, I'm being tortured.I was given amnesia.首先,我要被折磨,失憶。
  • 20Amnesia sufferers usually cannot remember their identity or name.失憶症患者常常記不住他們的身份或名字。
  • 21The next day, however, seemed to find him suffering from amnesia.但是到第二天我又看到他時,他好像得了健忘症,把昨天的事情忘記得一乾二淨。
  • 22Straight white men are especially vulnerable to this sort of amnesia.尤其是白人直男,很容易得這種健忘症。
  • 23"Their whole campaign strategy is amnesia," said President Obama.歐巴馬說:“他們的競選戰略就是健忘。”
  • 24Sign in a doctor's office: "Amnesia patients must pay in advance."醫生辦公室的標記牌:“失意症患者必須提前付款。”
  • 25As so often in modern Britain, a key to the riddle is historical amnesia.其實解決這個難題的關鍵在於當代英國常常出現的歷史健忘症。
  • 26The chance of developing amnesia might increase if you've experienced危險因素 如果有以下經歷,患遺忘症的可能性會增加
  • 27She said Romania had developed "collective amnesia" over its repressive past.她說,在經歷了這么多壓抑後,羅馬尼亞卻已經“集體失憶”了。
  • 28The whole thing wiped clean,complete perfect amnesia before I torture you.在我折磨你之前,一切都會被洗得乾乾淨淨。
  • 29In making the film, he became aware of his own generational amnesia, as well.在拍攝這部電影的過程中,他也了解到了自己這代人對歷史的遺忘。


