- 外文名:amass
- 詞性:動詞
- 英式音標:[əˈmæs]
- 美式音標:[əˈmæs]
- 1A speculator may try to amass great wealth.投機商會想方設法積聚錢財。
- 2My dream is to amass one million coffee mugs.我的夢想是收集一百萬個咖啡杯子。
- 3He is planning to amass a fortune for a rainy day.他正打算積蓄財富以備不時之需。
- 4Iran continues to amass power and expand its regional influence.伊朗在繼續積攢力量並擴展它的區域影響力。
- 5Given today's crisis, the incentives to amass reserves have only grown.當今危機形勢更加刺激了外匯儲備的積累。
- 6Apple can certainly afford to amass a huge wireless patent portfolio.蘋果公司無疑擁有足夠財力來積聚大量無線技術專利。
- 7But they would love to amass consumer goods the way China's middle class does.但他們確實是喜歡像中國的中產階級那樣積聚消費品。
- 8The new services will help Facebook amass even more data on its users' tastes.新的服務有助於臉譜積累更多的用戶偏好的數據。
- 9We as a society have been taught to consume and amass material possessions.作為一個社會,我們被教育說要消費,要占有物質。
- 10Moreover, I will let others try to amass nine, ten or eleven figure net worths.再者,我將讓其他人設法積累9、10或11位數字的淨值。
- 11People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so.參考翻譯:人們喜歡收藏東西,有時並沒有意識到自己在這樣做。
- 12The more data you amass, the tougher it is to comprehend what you're dealing with.你積累的數據越多,要去領會它背後的深意就越難。
- 13Earth does not require some initiate to amass a fortune to fulfill upon this.地球並不需要一些提升者聚集財富來完成這一目標。
- 14A common desire is to amass multiple achievements, but well... not actually have to do a lot.一個普通的渴望就是積聚更多的成就。但實際上不用做那么多。
- 15In a society that sets the gathering of possessions as the chief human objective, they will amass property.在一個以聚斂財富為人生主要目標的社會中,人們會積聚財產。
- 16To protect themselves in future, they started to run current-account surpluses and to amass foreign-exchange reserves.為了在未來保護自己,這些國家開始提升經常賬戶盈餘並且增加外匯儲備。
- 17I could see from first glance that he was a half-wit, but then half wits sometimes have the genius to amass a fortune.我一眼便看出他是一個笨蛋,不過笨蛋有時卻具有聚起一大筆財富的天賦。
- 18The imaging team was also able to amass 70-day movies of storms forming, merging and moving near Jupiter's north pole.卡西尼號船載的攝像機組還可以連續70天拍攝風暴形成的過程,風暴在木星北磁極附近融合為一體並不斷移動。
- 19With our increased size and financial power, we can amass new investors and raise ample funds to renovate the old hotel.隨著企業規模的擴大和資金力量的增強,我們將徵集新的投資者,籌集到足夠的資金,將我們的飯店整修一新。
- 20He adds: "it's very difficult for poor people to amass any savings, so we can help them a lot by giving a bit of capital."埃文思還說:“對於處於貧困狀況的人們來說,很難有很多的積蓄,因此,我們可以通過向他們提供一些資金來幫助他們。”
- 21She showed up, and Jeremy scored the maximum number of points one player could amass under the kiddy-league rules. "from."她真去了,而林書豪在那場比賽里,得到了按兒童比賽規則一名球員能得到的最高分。
- 22But networks are now up to the job, and Joost is expecting to amass millions of users, if not tens of millions, within the year.但現在的網路已經可以勝任這項任務,因此Joost期望在一年內,就算不能聚集數千萬的用戶,至少也要聚集數百萬。
- 23A shocking proportion of Florida fraud is conducted by Cuban exiles, just-arrived and penniless, who quickly amass vast fortunes.佛羅里達州醫保詐欺案中古巴流亡者的作案比例也令人震驚,他們剛到美國時身無分文,但很快就聚斂了大筆錢財。
- 24Some audiophiles amass music collections that take up tens or hundreds of gigabytes of storage space, which slows their computers down.有些音樂發燒友收集了很多音樂,占據了幾十幾百gb的存儲空間,這拖慢了他們的電腦的速度。
- 25Avid self-interest is likely to pile up wealth withremarkable speed, though it is likely to amass spectacu- lar poverty at thesame time.貪婪的利己主義很可能以非凡的速度累積財富,儘管很可能同時造成巨大的貧窮。