
airliner就一個英文單詞,可作名詞,意思 是客機,班機;同時,在網路用語中,通常釋義為客機; 定期航班; 航空飛機。


  • 外文名:airliner
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 釋義:客機; 定期航班; 航空飛機;
  • 複數:airliners
  • 屬性:英語單詞


客機; 定期航班; 航空飛機;




  • 1An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Kennedy Airport.一架客機在飛近甘迺迪機場時險些出事。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill! That sounds really terrible!一架外國客機試圖在夜間降落在阿根廷的山區,結果撞到了一座山上!聽起來太可怕了!
  • 3A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area in Argentina and flew into a hill! That sounds really terrible!一架外國客機試圖在夜間降落在阿根廷的山區,結果撞到了一座山上!聽起來太可怕了!
  • 4When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong.當飛機從空中墜落,比如2009年6月30日的一架葉門客機在飛往印度洋的葛摩群島時那樣,黑匣子是找出問題所在的最佳選擇。
  • 5The damage to skill and craftsmanship—that's needed to build a complex airliner or a tractor, or for a worker to move up from assembler to machinist to supervisor—went largely unnoticed.對技術和工藝的損害——製造一架複雜的飛機或拖拉機,或工人從裝配工到機械師再到監督員所需要的技術和工藝——在很大程度上被忽視了。
  • 6The airliner took off on time.班機準時起飛。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7The airliner flew above the clouds.大型客機在雲層上面飛行。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8The airliner is late.班機晚點了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9He wasn't run down by a commercial airliner.Walters沒撞上商用航班,相反,他繼續飄行。
  • 10And you can travel in a commercial airliner.而且你可以選擇商業航線飛行。
  • 11The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg.這次飛機墜落被看作僅僅是冰山一角(只是其中的一個例子)。
  • 12The Tupolev Tu-144 is a Soviet supersonic airliner, developed in the 1960s.鎮館之寶——圖波列夫tu - 144,蘇聯產超音速客機,研發於1960年代。
  • 13Air Travel: the first jet airliner, the Boeing 707, was introduced in 1959.1959年,波音707,第一架噴氣式飛機問世。
  • 14Just 1kg less per seat can save some 40,000 litres of fuel per airliner over a year.如果每個座位減少1公斤的重量,每個客機就可以在一年的時間裡節約4萬升的燃料。
  • 15Just 1kg less per seat can save some 40, 000 litres of fuel per airliner over a year.如果每個座位減少1公斤的重量,每個客機就可以在一年的時間裡節約4萬升的燃料。
  • 16New orders surged to 30.8 billion from 17.2 billion, due to higher airliner orders.EADS擁有淨現金89億歐元,低於去年同期的98億美元。 由於較多的客機訂單,新訂單從172億美元激增至308億美元。
  • 17But even a small airliner still contains several tonnes of costly aerospace-grade titanium.但即便是一架小型客機依然包含著數噸造價昂貴的航天級別鈦板。
  • 18The researchers at Filton have a much bigger ambition: to print the entire wing of an airliner.菲爾頓的研究者有一個更遠大的抱負:印製客機的整翼。
  • 19A Congolese airliner has crashed in the eastern city of Kisangani, killing at least 46 people.剛果一架飛機在東部城市基桑加尼墜毀,造成至少46人死亡。
  • 20He said there were "powerful" tropical storms in the area where the airliner disappeared from radar screens.他說,飛機失去聯繫時所處的位置有著“強大的”熱帶風暴。
  • 21Nearly 228 passengers and crew were aboard the air France airliner when it disappeared over the Atlantic last week.上星期,當法航447班機在大西洋上空消失時,有228名乘客以及機組人員在飛機上。
  • 22RNP combines the avionics in a modern jet airliner with GPS to guide pilots along a narrow path to the airport.RNP為現代飛機安裝與電子設備結合在一起的GPS,以此引導飛行員沿著一條狹窄通道進入機場。
  • 23An airliner has made an emergency landing in the United States after a hole blew open in the roof of its passenger cabin.一架客機因為客艙頂部出現漏洞在美國緊急著陸。
  • 24The avionics on a modern airliner are already capable of flying it for most of its journey with the autopilot switched on.現代客機上的航空電子設備已經能夠在自動飛行模式下完成大部分旅程。
  • 25But with 840 firm orders even after a spate of cancellations, the 787 is still the fastest-selling new airliner in history.但由於有840份公司訂單(甚至在一大批訂單取消後),787仍然是歷史上銷售最快的新型客機。
  • 26Brackets are only the beginning. The researchers at Filton have a much bigger ambition: to print the entire wing of an airliner.支架還僅僅只是個開始,菲爾頓的研究員們有更大的雄心偉志:他們想印刷出客機的一整個機翼。
  • 27Improved efficiency means that Boeing's new 787 airliner consumes about 40% less fuel per passenger than its 1970s aircraft.能效提升後,新波音787意味著比19世紀70年代的飛機每承載一個乘客能減少約40%的油耗。
  • 28Chesley B. Sullenberger III, the pilot who successfully landed an airliner in the Hudson River, was, everyone agreed, a hero.每個人都同意將成功使飛機迫降在哈德遜河上的機長切斯利·b·蘇倫伯格稱之為英雄。
  • 29Jack threw Arete to the cabin floor as a brilliant yellow ball of fire lit the Windows on the starboard side of the airliner.一個亮黃色的火球照亮機艙右側的舷窗,傑克把阿雷特按到在地。


