- 外文名:agrarian
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[əˈɡreəriən]
- 美式發音:[əˈɡreriən]
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 1Of course, there is no going back to the agrarian past.當然,從資訊時代退回到農耕時代是不可能的。
- 2When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks.在我們是農業國家的時候,所有的車子都是卡車。
- 3The United States was largely an agrarian society then.當時,美國基本上是一個農業社會。
- 4His magisterial work on the agrarian question is still valid.他關於土地問題的權威著作至今仍然適用。
- 5In Lincoln's time the US was largely an agrarian society.在林肯時代,美國大部分地區還是農業社會。
- 6See Agrarian China - published by the Institute of Pacific Relations.見《中國農業》,太平洋研究所出版。
- 7The looming problem, experts noted, is that Mali remains an agrarian society.專家認為,正在逼近的問題是,馬利仍然是個耕地的社會。
- 8During the struggle, the agrarian problems in fact have become more vital.在鬥爭過程中,土地問題事實上已經成為一個更加生死攸關的問題。
- 9This move marks the transition of China from an agrarian to industrial society.農業稅的取消,標誌著中國從農業社會邁入了工業社會。
- 10Hence we can learn some of the salient features of the agrarian problems in China.由此我們能夠了解到中國土地問題的一些顯著特徵。
- 11The final result of agrarian reform depends on the peasant's organized participation.土地改革的成效,最終依靠的是農民有組織的參與。
- 12And in India, an agrarian country with a billion-plus people, land is dreadfully scarce.而且在印度這樣一個擁有十幾億人口的農業國家,土地資源也極其稀缺。
- 13This world is the world of agrarian storms kept acclimatized with the music of admirerty.這世界乃是為美之音樂所征服了的狂風驟雨的世界。
- 14The agrarian society depended mainly on its crops for food, rather than meat from hunting.農耕社會主要依靠農作物作為食物來源,而不是靠打獵獲取肉類。
- 15In closed agrarian societies, families need a lot of children as insurance against disaster.在封閉的農業社會裡,家庭需要較多的子女以防不幸。
- 16The centre of the U. S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres in the north.美國的經濟重心由農村轉到北方的工業中心。
- 17The Global Index Reinsurance Facility targets farmers and agrarian communities among other beneficiaries.全球指數再保險基金的受益人包括農民和農業社區。
- 18The pace of the transformation from an agrarian, rural economy to an urban, industrial one is unprecedented.中國以土地和農村經濟為主,向城市化和工業化轉變的步伐是前所未有的。
- 19The schedule is an artefact of the state's agrarian days, and it leaves little time for tackling the big issues.會議召開的時間正好是該州農忙時節,因此幾乎沒有什麼時間處理重大事件。
- 20New Jersey remained agrarian and rural throughout the colonial era, and commercial farming only developed sporadically.新澤西州的農業和農村仍然是整個殖民時代,農業和商業開發的只有零星。
- 21To understand the decision Congress made that year, let's imagine ourselves as members of early agrarian American society.為明確國會當年所做的決定,讓我們把自己想像成美國早期土地所有制社會中的一份子。
- 22It had ruined, with the aid of prior Russian looting, a powerful agrarian and industrial economy bequeathed it by the Japanese.它繼俄國人的洗劫之後,進一步把日本人遺留下來的強大的工農業經濟破壞殆盡。
- 23But acquiring land for factories, roads, housing and other projects has created battlegrounds across traditionally agrarian India.但是工廠,道路,房屋和其他項目需要獲得土地才能進行開發,這也給傳統農業為主的印度帶來不少衝突。
- 24Sure, it made sense to agrarian families before 1900, when to farm the land, one needed two spouses, grandparents, and a raft of children.當然婚姻對1900年之前的耕地家庭很重要,因為那個時候,為了耕種一塊地,一個家庭需要兩個妻子,爺爺奶奶和很多孩子。
- 25"These are generally rural, agrarian communities that most of the time, have not seen permanently built school buildings," said George.“這些通常是農村,農業社會在大多數時候沒有見過的永久性學校建築”喬治說。
- 26It doesn't reflect the interests of people who have been wandering around nomadically. It has laws that deal with settled agrarian life.而並沒有反映對在曠野流浪的人們的注意,它還記錄了管理農民定居生活的法律。
- 27Until recently, anthropologists believed that evolutionary pressure on humans eased after the transition to a more stable agrarian lifestyle.人類學家一直認為在我們進入到相對穩定的農耕社會後,人類的進化壓力減小了。