



  • 外文名:aerobics
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[eəˈrəʊbɪks]
  • 美式發音:[eˈroʊbɪks]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


N-UNCOUNTAerobics is a form of exercise which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, and strengthens your heart and lungs. The verb that follows aerobics may be either singular or plural. 有氧運動 (可接單數或複數形式的謂語動詞) [oft N n]


Sports aerobics 競技健美操 ; 健美操 ; 競技健美
Aerobics Pulse 有氧派對 ; 有氧健身操
Aerobics room 健身操房 ; 健身室
aerobics s 有氧運動法 ; 健美操 ; 有氧運動
aerobics instructor 健美操指導員
Aerobics match 健美操比賽
Kitty Aerobics 彭永春健身操
Kwo aerobics 搏擊操
Aerobics Game 健美操比賽


  • 1I've joined an aerobics class.我參加了有氧健身班。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I do aerobics once a week.我每周做一次有氧健身運動。《牛津詞典》
  • 3I don't do aerobics any more—it's too knackering.我再不做有氧健身操了—太累人了。《牛津詞典》
  • 4I'd like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness.我想進一個有氧運動班來增強我的體質。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5A few weeks of aerobics will firm up that flabby stomach.幾個星期的有氧健身運動將使鬆弛的腹部結實。《牛津詞典》
  • 6However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.然而,他們的重點並不是有氧運動,而是負重訓練項目,旨在培養主要客戶男性健身愛好者的培養肌肉質量、力量和耐力等。
  • 7The dancing is uninhibited and as frenzied as an aerobics class.跳舞都放開了,像健身課那樣盡情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8She does aerobics once a week.她每周進行一次健美操。
  • 9Do you have aerobics class-es?你們有有氧操的課程嗎?
  • 10It sounds like an aerobics class.這聽起來像個健美班。
  • 11This is our aerobics room.這是我們的健美操房。
  • 12First, we wore them tapered for aerobics.最初,我們穿著它上健美操課。
  • 13My friend does aerobics once a week.我的朋友每個星期做一次有氧運動。
  • 14I like doing aerobics in my spare time.我喜歡在業餘時間做有氧健身運動。
  • 15That tri-weekly commitment to aerobics class?這每周三次的健美操課能給你承諾?
  • 16She once worked as an aerobics instructor.她曾經擔任了健美操指導員。
  • 17I would like to try aerobics, but it looks tough.我想去學健美操,可是健美操好象很難。
  • 18Yeah, and I do an hour of aerobics every other day.是的,我每隔一天做一個小時的健身操。
  • 19Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?你想到過拍一個健身操班上課的照片嗎?
  • 20Follow an aerobics program on TV or online, or play an exercise video or DVD from home.學著做一做電視或者網上的有氧活動,或者跟著自帶的體操錄影帶和DVD做一下。
  • 21Yoga has become the new aerobics and some people are getting it out of a book or video.瑜珈已經成為一種新型有氧運動,有些人從書本或錄像中學習瑜珈。
  • 22Exercises which are more intense such as aerobics should be done if this is the goal.如果確定了目標,人們應該進行更為激烈的運動,比如做有氧運動。
  • 23“I used to take a normal aerobics class, but it was boring and monotonous, ” Ms. Xiao said.我以前都是上普通的有氧操班,但是練久了就會覺得枯燥乏味。
  • 24From aerobics to yoga, any form of exercise can be engaged in when you find it hard to let go.從有氧運動到瑜伽,當你發現自己很難放手時,你可以進行任何形式的鍛鍊。


