



  • 外文名:advocator
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:['ædvəkeɪtə]
  • 美式發音:['ædvə,ketɚ]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


the advocator 鼓揚者
patient advocator 患者代言人
handkerchief advocator 帕客
advocator r 擁護者
Wine Advocator 葡萄酒倡導者
main advocator 主要倡導者
brand advocator 品牌倡導者
advocator and protector 代言人及保護者
advocate advocator prophet 提倡者


  • 1Advocator of Luxury in Spirit.康派,精神奢華倡者。
  • 2The officials were the advocator and guide of Han culture.流官是漢文化的倡導者、引導者。
  • 3Audi has been the advocator of auto environmental protection.奧迪一直是汽車環保方面的倡導者。
  • 4As an advocator of the Dam I think all these worries are groundless.作為一名擁護者大壩的我認為所有這些擔心是毫無根據的。
  • 5Oscer Wilde was the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.奧斯卡·王爾德是的最積極鼓吹者,也是文學的身體力行者。
  • 6Cai Yuanpei is not only a thinker but an active advocator and implementer of aesthetic education.蔡元培不僅是一個美育思想家,更是一個美育的積極倡導者和實施者。
  • 7Shan'er is a 'handkerchief advocator' who prefers to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues.珊兒是個“帕客”,更喜歡用手帕而非一次性紙巾。
  • 8And in style, she is neoclassicism advocator, upholding those traditional ideas of order, reason, proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.在寫作風格上,她提倡新古典主義,堅持理性,秩序,典雅的原則。
  • 9Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for "der Wille zur Macht" and "übermensch", and a criticizer to western modern culture in the early period.魯迅早期認為尼采是強力意志的鼓吹者、超人的讚頌者和西方近代文明的批評者。
  • 10It is made up of people who are devoting animal protection and commonweal affairs. It is the advocator, leader and pioneer for animal protection in Harbin city.協會主要是以愛護動物,積極支持動物保護和公益事業的人士為主所自願組成,是哈爾濱市內動物保護的倡導者、領導者和先驅。
  • 11As an East Asia cooperation advocator, supporter and participant, China is keenly aware of its responsibilities and obligations in regional cooperation in East Asia.作為東亞合作的倡導者、支持者和參與者,中國深知自己在東亞區域合作中的責任和義務。
  • 12As a team leader, he is the first professor to study literature in the perspective of economic life and so is called advocator of economic school in literary studies.帶領一個團隊首倡從經濟生活視角研究文學,被譽為文學研究的經濟學派。
  • 13Being a literary advocator, he was undoubtedly successful, but his excessive indulgent character was one of the reasons that led to his defeat in the Northern Expedition.作為一代守成之主、文治之君,宋文帝無疑是成功的,但其過於寬恕乃至寬縱的性格特徵也是他北伐失利以及身遭屠弒的主要原因之一。
  • 14The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life.那個手帕設計大賽的獲勝者就會被稱為“帕客”,即為了支持低碳生活,放棄使用一次性紙巾而選擇使用手帕的綠色消費者。
  • 15The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life。那個手帕設計大賽的獲勝者就會被稱為“帕客”,即為了支持低碳生活,放棄使用一次性紙巾而選擇使用手帕的綠色消費者。
  • 16The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator", as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life.那個手帕設計大賽的獲勝者就會被稱為“帕客”,即為了支持低碳生活,放棄使用一次性紙巾而選擇使用手帕的綠色消費者。


