



  • 外文名:adversary
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈædvəsəri]
  • 美式發音:[ˈædvərseri]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


N-COUNT Your adversary is someone you are competing with, or arguing or fighting against. 對手


Confirmed Adversary 確認的對手 ; 詳細翻譯
Adversary Argument 對手論證
adversary inspection 對方觀察
adversary proceedings 辯論主義訴訟程式 ; 翻譯 ; 對抗性訴訟制
implacable adversary 無情的對手
adversary team 對方隊
worthy adversary 勁敵
subtle adversary 狡猾的對手
adversary principle 辯論原則


  • 1His rivals knew that they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.他的競爭者明白,不能期望如此殘忍的對手發善心。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.雙方摔跤運動員都使出了全身氣力想把對手摔倒。
  • 3The dictionary meaning of the term "opponent" is "adversary"; "enemy "; "one who opposes your interests".字典里“對手”一詞的意思是“敵手”、“敵人”、“與你的利益相悖的人”。
  • 4Hugo, consumed with anger and shame, sprang up, seized a cudgel, and came at his small adversary in a fury.雨果又氣又羞,一躍而起,抓起一根棍子,怒氣沖沖地向他的小對手撲去。
  • 5Hughes virtually ignores Edison's famous contemporary and notorious adversary in the field of electric light and power, George Westinghouse.休斯實際上忽略了愛迪生在電燈和電力領域的同時代著名的、臭名昭著的對手喬治·威斯汀豪斯。
  • 6Certain drugs can produce serious adversary actions.某些藥物會產生嚴重的對抗作用。
  • 7Certain drugs, however, can produce serious adversary actions.然而,某些藥物會導致嚴重的對抗行動。
  • 8Greeley provided a humorous description of himself, written under the pretense that it had been the work of his long-time adversary.格里利用幽默的話語對自己進行了描述,並假裝這是他宿敵的作品。
  • 9They will face an old adversary.他們會面對一個老對手。
  • 10He tilted his adversary at the meeting.他在會議上抨擊了對手。
  • 11Now, for the first time, Peter began to out-general his adversary.現在,彼得第一次在統帥能力上超越了他的對手。
  • 12Ten years of development has made Winamp an impressive iTunes adversary.十年的開發使得Winamp成為iTunes強有力的對手
  • 13An adversary is anyone who might attempt an attack against another party.對手是可能發起攻擊的任何人。
  • 14But this vast and diverse country is already much more than a simple adversary.但這個龐大和多元化的國家,已經遠非一個對手那么簡單。
  • 15They say the Kyushu exercises are not directed at any particular adversary.他們說:九州演習不針對任何特定國家。
  • 16Peter was challenging his adversary either to attack or abandon the invasion.彼得在挑戰他的對手:要么攻過來,要么放棄入侵。
  • 17They tell us, Sir, that we are weak — unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.先生,他們告訴我們,我們是弱小的——不能應付如此強大的對手。
  • 18Mr Gates is only malaria's latest adversary. The parasite has plagued man for millennia.瘧疾禍害人類千年,蓋茨先生最近一個反抗它的對手。
  • 19This is a dangerous temptation — a refined, not a gross temptation of the adversary.這是一個很危險的引誘——一個精巧的引誘。
  • 20His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.他的業務對手都知道不可能指望他這樣無情的人會手軟。
  • 21Yeltsin had kept his Helsinki commitment: NATO’s Cold War adversary was now its partner.葉爾欽遵守了赫爾辛基承諾:冷戰時北約的敵人現在成了合作者。
  • 22But the paper talks only of a remote but plausible confrontation with "a major-power adversary".但白皮書只提到與“一個大國對手”遙遠卻可能的對抗。
  • 23Mayola Williams is an example of the power of perseverance over a seemingly unbeatable adversary.瑪約拉·威廉士是以鍥而不捨的力量勝過似乎不可戰勝對手的榜樣。
  • 24But now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side, and there is no adversary or disaster.現在耶和華我的神使我四圍平安,沒有仇敵,沒有災禍。
  • 25Then the Lord raised up against Solomon an adversary, Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom.耶和華使以東人哈達興起,作所羅門的敵人。他是以東王的後裔。
  • 26His adversary Danton and his ally Saint-Just were also young men, one in his early 30s and the other in his mid-20s.他的對手丹頓和盟友聖茹斯特也都很年輕,一個30齣頭,另一個20多歲。
  • 27"You're combating an intelligent adversary who could change their strategy in response to what you do," he says.他說:“你是在和機智的敵人作戰,他們的策略會隨著你的策略的變化而變化。”


