- 外文名:adjoining
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[əˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ]
- 美式發音:[əˈdʒɔɪnɪŋ]
- 屬性:英語單詞
adjoin是一個英語單詞,動詞,作動詞時意為“ 毗連,鄰接”。單詞發音 英 [əˈdʒɔɪn] 美 [əˈdʒɔɪn]短語搭配 adjoin n 貼近 ; 靠近 ; 毗連 adjoin matrix 伴隨矩陣 go adjoin 不順心 adjoin to 靠近 ...
樹-鄰接文法(TAG)是 Aravind Joshi 定義的文法形式化。樹-鄰接(adjoining)文法在某種意義上類似於上下文無關文法,但是基本的重寫單位是樹而不是符號。上下文無關文法有把符號重寫為其他符號的規則,而樹-毗連文法有把樹的節點重寫為...
Sansar Chandra Road, Adjoining Hotel Man Singh Palace, 辛迪營地, 齋浦爾, 印度 302001 房型房價 房型介紹 每個客房都配有空調,書桌,衛星頻道/有線電視,液晶電視/等離子電視,淋浴設施,浴缸,日報,浴袍。酒店的房型有多種選擇,提供了...
鄰接圖幅 鄰接圖幅(adjoining sheets)是2012年公布的地理信息系統名詞。定義 按照分幅規則確定的當前圖幅的周圍圖幅。出處 《地理信息系統名詞》第二版。
〖地點〗相交之處,毗鄰之處〖adjoining〗。如:交界;井岡山在寧岡等四縣之交 〖時間〗交替之際〖join〗十月之交。——《詩·小雅·十月》又如:春夏之交 貿易〖bargain〗。如:成交 跟頭〖fall〗魯達焦躁,把那看的人,一推一交。—...
鄰圖索引 鄰圖索引(index of adjoining chart)是1996年公布的航海科學技術名詞。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《航海科技名詞》第一版。
10進制: 14290,UTF-32: 000037D2,UTF-8: E3 9F 92。㟒字位於中日韓統一表意文字擴充A區(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English mountains adjoining; mountains are unbroken connceted, name of a mountain ...
酒店距離市中心 4km 早到入住時間 12:00PM 餐廳總數 1 客房總數 10 客房室內電壓 220 到達機場時間(分鐘)300 酒店地址 TB Tennakoon Mawatha,adjoining road to Talkote primary School, 錫吉里耶城市, 錫吉里亞, 斯里蘭卡 ...
5.6 Example: Adjoining a p—th R,oot of Unity 5.7 On to Cp 6 Analysis in Cp 6.1 Almost Everything Extends 6.2 Deeper Results on Polynomials and Power Series 6.3 Entire Functions 6.4 Newton Polygons 6.5 ...
The poet, confined to his bed with a serious illness, hears the bells of the church adjoining, and is thereby reminded of death and the transiency of human life.詩人因為重疾臥病在床,聽到附近教堂喪鐘聲,因此聯想到死亡...
2.9. Adjoining a Unit to a C*-Algebra 2.10. Quotients of C*-Algebras Chapter 3. Asymptotics: Compact Perturbations and Fredholm Theory 3.1. The Calkin Algebra 3.2. Riesz Theory of Compact Operators 3.3. Fredholm...
annulet,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“小環;輪狀環緣;[昆] 小環斑”。單詞用法 N a moulding in the form of a ring, as at the top of a column adjoining the capital 圓箍線 [architect]短語搭配 annu...
of approximately 1350 students from Year 7 to Year 12. The College is a safe and secure learning environment that values and respects students' individual achievements. It is part of an education precinct and adjoining ...
In 1883 painter Claude Monet first rented a house in the French town of Giverny. After purchasing the property and adjoining land, the artist transformed an existing small pond into a water garden with water lilies and ...
to the dangers - until an assassination attempt on their King. And when this backfires, Kieri's enemies start planning an invasion using dragonfire, a force unseen for hundreds of years. In King Mikeli's adjoining ...
finite—dimensional vector space 15 Monoids in tensor categories 16 Tannaka duality 17 Adjoining an antipode to a bialgebra 18 The quantum general linear group again 19 Solutions to Exercises References Index 編輯手記 ...
Head-driven phrase structure grammar; HPSG),語彙機能文法(Lexical functional grammar; LFG),範疇文法(Categorial grammar; CG),關係文法(Relational grammar;RG),以及樹-鄰接文法(Tree-adjoining grammar; TAG)。
E-6/7, Subhash Nagar Shopping Center, Nirwan Marg, Jhotwara Road, Adjoining ICICI Bank, Opp. K.K.Tower & Space Cinema, 302016 齋浦爾 房型介紹 酒店的房型有多種選擇,提供了標準雙人間、標準房、豪華雙人床房、每個客房都...
abutter abutter,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“相鄰業主;鄰近住戶”。單詞用法 N the owner of adjoining property 相鄰業主 [property law]短語搭配 abutter r 房地產主