



  • 外文名:acrimony
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈækrɪməni]
  • 美式發音:[ˈækrɪmoʊni]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


N-UNCOUNTAcrimony is bitter and angry words or quarrels. 爭執 [正式]


acrimony float 膽囊
Diet Acrimony 忌食辛辣
acrimony y 刻薄 ; 尖刻 ; 刺激性 ; 言談刻毒
speak with acrimony 說刻薄的話
Symphony in Acrimony 表演者
Don T Use Acrimony 不要譏嘲
Had Acrimony Thing 都辛辣東西
Tyler Perry's Acrimony 忍無可忍
cutting harsh caustic mean acrimony 無情 ; 待人處事挑剔


  • 1The dispute was settled without acrimony.沒有唇槍舌劍,這場糾紛就解決了。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The council's first meeting ended in acrimony.地方議會的首次會議以爭執結束。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3However, acrimony is inevitable.然而,尖酸的爭論是不可避免的。
  • 4But I aswell feel acrimony and despair.但另一方面我又感到非常憤怒和絕望。
  • 5This book review was written with acrimony.這篇書評語調刻薄。
  • 6The acrimony of his remarks alienated his audience.他說話尖刻, 這使觀眾和他疏遠了。
  • 7But a lawsuit from Mr Miller may bring months of acrimony.但Miller的一紙訴訟,也許將帶來數月的唇槍舌戰。
  • 8He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage.他傳講了聖惡毒,就是婚姻的另一個名字。
  • 9In general the 7 to 10 days a month, diet cold drinks diet acrimony food.一般而言術後7 - 10天忌食冷飲,一月內忌食辛辣食物。
  • 10The second, and possibly last, trial starts amid controversy and acrimony.二次審判,或許是最終審判,在激烈的爭議聲中開庭。
  • 11Now, with an agreement put on the table, talks have broken down in acrimony.現在,當一份協定擺到了桌面上,對話卻在尖酸刻薄中停止。
  • 12Despite the potential for acrimony, business angels and venture capitalists have to work together.雖然有潛在的敵意,商業天使和風險投資人卻也不得不合作。
  • 13But do not eat together with acrimony content, the kidney that has pair of people more is harmful.但不要與辛辣之物同吃,多吃對人的腎臟有害。
  • 14One day, the actor could not bear his acrimony any longer so he addressed the local judge about it.一天,一個演員再也不能忍受他的苛刻,於是他給當地的法官寫了信。
  • 15The only plausible means to alleviate the global acrimony is robust and more balanced economic growth.唯一可行的手段來緩解全球惡語相向的魯棒性和更平衡的經濟成長。
  • 16The acrimony was aired on October 4th at a meeting organised by the Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, in Britain.10月4日,英國皇家學會組織在奇切利禮堂召開了一場會議,與會人士對相關問題進行了激烈的爭論。
  • 17And despite the acrimony, the passion, the jealousy, the bitterness, and the boozing, they continued seeing each other.爭執、嫉妒、苦澀包圍之下的感情仍然不曾熄滅,他們一直保持著接觸。
  • 18It is bad enough when trade talks break up in acrimony; how much worse that the Geneva gathering petered out amid complacency and apathy.貿易談判在激烈言詞中破裂就足夠糟糕了,日內瓦會談在心安理得和冷漠中結束又會更差到哪裡去呢?
  • 19Humility is not just the face of the beautiful young lady and the identity of prominent aristocrats, in the treatment of civilians, the Cavaliers will not acrimony.謙遜的態度不僅僅是面對年輕貌美的女士和身份顯赫的貴族,在對待平民時,騎士也絕不會惡言相向。
  • 20Diet acrimony, sootiness, salt bloats, mildew changes, cankered food : hot food stimulates gastric mucous membrane, as time passes injures gastric mucous membrane ;忌食辛辣、煙燻、鹽醃、霉變、腐爛食品:辛辣食物刺激胃黏膜,久而久之損傷胃黏膜;
  • 21Every lender or investor eventually will need his money back, and a legal document covering everything from the terms to the timing can avoid the kind of acrimony just described.每一個房貸的人或者是投資者最終是要把錢要回去的,因此一份包括了詳細關於借款時間和條款的契約就可以避免各種尖酸刻薄的怪責。

