You\x27ll be leaving me

《You'll be leaving me》是曾軼可演唱的歌曲,由曾軼可填詞,曾軼可譜曲,收錄在專輯《Burning》中。


You'll be leaving me - 曾軼可
Now the sky is snowing
Now you're mine
But one day in the future
Maybe one time in the morning
You'll be leaving me
Now my heart is aching
Though you're so sweet
But one day in the future
Maybe one time in the evening
You'll be leaving me
How about you leaving me
When we love each other the most
Then you'll be missing me
I'll be missing you
Still we apart
But if you leaving me
When the sky is snowing
The rain is falling
In a way you deserve
Make sure leaving me quiet
How about you leaving me
When we love each other the most
Then you'll be missing me
I'll be missing you
Still we apart
But if you leaving me
When the sky is snowing
The rain is falling
In a way you deserve
Make sure leaving me quiet
Make sure leaving me quiet


