《Writing and Difference 寫作與差異
2001-年Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd出版的圖書,作者是Derrida, Jacques。
- 作者:Derrida, Jacques
- 譯者:Alan Bass
- ISBN:9780415253833
- 頁數:480
- 定價:118.00元
- 出版社:Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd
- 出版時間:2001-5
- 叢書: Routledge Classics
First published in 1967, "Writing and Difference, " a collection of Jacques Derrida's essays written between 1959 and 1966, has become a landmark of contemporary French thought. In it we find Derrida at work on his systematic deconstruction of Western metaphysics. The book's first half, which includes the celebrated essay on Descartes and Foucault, shows the development of Derrida's method of deconstruction. In these essays, Derrida demonstrates the traditional nature of some purportely nontraditional currents of modern thought - one of his main targets being the way in which "structuralism" unwittingly repeats metaphysical concepts in its use of linguistic modes.
雅克·德希達(Jacques Derrida, 1930-2004),是西方解構主義的代表人物,法國著名的哲學家。1983年起任巴黎高等社會科學研究院研究主任至今,還是國際哲學學院創始人和第一任院長,法蘭西公學名譽教授。主要著作有:《胡塞爾現象學中的起源問題》(1990),《馬克思的幽靈》(1993),《與勒維納斯永別》(1997)等。