- 中文名:Worm.Krate
- 威脅級別:★★
- 病毒類型:蠕蟲
- 影響系統:Win9x / WinNT
Worm.NetSky.P(同I-Worm/Netsky.p)是用UPX壓縮過的郵件群發蠕蟲病毒。病毒行為 編寫工具:FSG壓縮 傳染條件:通過網路大量傳送郵件傳播 發作條件:利用系統漏洞Incorrect MIME Header Can Cause IE to Execute E-mail Attachment來獲得自動運行 系統修改:A、創建一個名為" [ -oO]xX|-S-k-y-N-e-t-|Xx[Oo-...
Worm.Wurmark.k,該病毒通過電子郵件傳播,郵件偽裝成個含有圖片、音樂、新聞或屏保的電子郵件,誘使用戶運行,附屬檔案中的病毒。病毒行為 病毒信件,沒有內容,只有主題和附屬檔案。病毒一旦運行後,會搜尋用戶本地計算機中的電子信箱地址,並向這些信箱地址傳送病毒體。運行特徵 1.該病毒運行時調用IE顯示一張大猩猩的圖片,...
Worm.Mytob.bd,是一個網路蠕蟲病毒,利用電子郵件以附屬檔案的形式傳播,該病毒採用不同的加殼方式已有多種變種。病毒傳送的郵件正文具有誘惑性,郵件附屬檔案存放在壓縮檔中,以欺騙性的檔案名稱誘使收件人點擊。病毒行為 1. 建立名為"Lien-Van-de-Kelder"的互斥體,以保證只有一個病毒體在運行。2.將自身拷貝到%System%檔案...
Frequency Division Multiple Address)頻分多址FEC(Forward Error Correction) 前向糾錯FEK(File Encryption Key)檔案密鑰FEP(Front Effect Processor)前端處理機FET(Field Effect Transistor)場效應電晶體FIFO(First In First Out)先進先出FM(Frequency Modulation)頻率調製FPU(Float Point Unit)浮點部件FRC(Frame Rate ...
W32.Netsky.AB@mm 是一種計算機蠕蟲病毒,它掃描受感染計算機上除 CD-ROM 外的所有驅動器中的電子郵件地址。它使用自己的 SMTP 引擎,將自己傳送到找到的電子郵件地址。別名 W32/Netsky-AB [Sophos]W32/Netsky.ab@MM [McAfee]WORM_NETSKY.AB [Trend]Win32.Netsky.AB [Computer Asso]I-Worm.Netsky.ac [...
別名: W32.HLLW.Polybot, Phatbot, W32/Polybot.l!irc [McAfee], WORM_AGOBOT .HM [Trend], Backdoor.Agobot . hm [Kaspersky]類型: Worm 感染長度 278,528 bytes 多漏洞傳播 該蠕蟲使用多個漏洞進行傳播,其中包括:DCOM RPC 漏洞 * DCOM RPC 漏洞(在 Microsoft 安全公告 MS03-026 中介紹),使用 ...
別名:W32.Netsky.Q@mm,W32/Netsky.p@MM 〔McAfee〕,Win32.Netsky.P 〔Computer Assoc,NetSky.P 〔F-Secure〕,W32/Netsky.P.worm 〔Panda〕,W32/Netsky-P 〔Sophos〕,WORM_NETSKY.P Trend〕類型: Worm 感染長度:29,568 bytes 受感染的系統:Windows 2000,Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows Me,Windows NT,...
* %Windir%\zipo3.txt: A .zip file that contains the worm. (38,826 bytes).8. 刪除以下值:* Explorer * system.* msgsvr32 * au.exe * winupd.exe * direct.exe * jijbl * Video * service * DELETE ME * d3dupdate.exe * OLE * Sentry * gouday.exe * rate.exe * Taskmon * ...
Worm.P2P.Spybot.gen病毒。該木馬通過P2P檔案共享工具和網路共享傳播。該木馬在命名上模仿了系統進程svchost.exe。SyncroAd.exe SyncroAd廣告程式相關進程。這個進程監視您的瀏覽習慣,並將相關數據回傳到其伺服器上用於分析。這個程式也會彈出廣告視窗。sysfit.exe AdShooter間諜軟體相關進程。AdShooter會在您的電腦上...
Clock rate 時鐘頻率 Clock generator 時鐘發生器 Clock flip-flop 時鐘觸發器 Close-packed structure 密堆積結構 Close-loop gain 閉環增益 Collector 集電極 Collision 碰撞 Compensated OP-AMP 補償運放 Common-base/collector/emitter connection 共基極 / 集電極 / 發射極連線 Common-gate/drain/source connection ...
How companies like Rino wormed their way into the temples of American capitalism is a story for these financial times. 有多少像綠諾科技一樣的公司以他們的方式蠕行入美國資本殿堂,這樣的一個個故事被金融時報報導。In other countries family conglomerates have been merely a phase of capitalism, and ...
37. He SL, Zou Y, Zhang LF, Ma WQ, Zhang XY, Yue BS.2015. The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Beet Webworm, Spoladea recurvalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Its Phylogenetic Implications. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129355.38. Chengzhong Yang, Zhen Xiao, Yuan Zou, Xiuyue Zhang, Bo ...
27.J.Y. Lee, G.G. Fuller, N. Hudson andX-F. Yuan, "Investigation of shear bands in worm-like micellar solution by point-wise flow-induced birefringence measurement", J. of Rheology,49, 537-550 (2005).28.V. Castelletto, I. W. Hamley,X-F. Yuan, A. Kelarakis and C. Booth, "...
I., Zhang J., Chen R., Wang G.T, Li W.X. 2017. Sequencing of the complete mitochondrial genome of a fish-parasitic flatworm Paratetraonchoides inermis (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea): tRNA gene arrangement reshuffling and implications for phylogeny.Parasites & Vectors, 10: 462.[7] Zhang D....
13. Kuo TFD*, Chen CC. (2016) Deriving in vivo biotransformation rate constants and metabolite parent concentration factor/stable metabolite factor from bioaccumulation and bioconcentration experiments: An illustration with worm accumulation data. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(12): 2903–2909....
24. Johnson J.A.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2001. Thermal tolerance of navel orangeworm and Indianmeal moth. Proceedings of 2001 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction held in San Diego, CA, November 5-8, pp60-1--60-4.23. Wang S.*, ...
會議論文-> 王凱,羅洪斌,秦雅娟.Identifier/locator Separation: A Worm Detection and Prevention Perspective。2011 International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Awareness Internet (AIAI2011),深圳,7:7,2011-10 會議論文-> 高陽陽,王凱,秦雅娟.AN IDENTIFIED TRANSPORT LAYER MECHANISM IN THE LOCATOR/...
7. Xiaozhen Wu, Xuemin Wang, and Youxiang Zhang*, Nanowormlike Li₂FeSiO₄−C Composites as Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes with Superior High-Rate Capability, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2013, 5, 2510−2516.8. Xiaozhen Wu, Xin Jiang, Qisheng Huo, Youxiang Zhang*, Facile ...
14. Liu GH, Jia YQ, Wang YN, Zhao GH(通訊作者), Zhu XQ. The complete mitochondrial genome of the gullet worm Gongylonema pulchrum : gene content, arrangement, composition and phylogenetic implications. Parasit Vectors. 2015, 8:100.15. Qi MZ, Fang YQ, Wang XT, Zhang LX, Wang RJ, ...