Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again


雷耶爾先生開始給大家排練新的歌劇,在排練房裡,當人們正忙碌而且緊張到了極點的時候,放置一旁的鋼琴在沒有人彈奏得情況下突然自己彈出了排練曲目。驚惶失措的克里斯提娜(Christine,劇中女主人公)奪路逃出,來到了父親的墓地前,向墓碑上的父親塑像訴說著自己的憂慮和恐慌,唱著這首《Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again》,希望能得到他的幫助。突然,魅影又出現在了她面前。魅影告訴她自己就是他父親說的”Angel of Music“,就是來引導和保護她的。被過度驚嚇的克里斯提娜再次被魅影迷惑住……



You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and father
Then my world was shattered
Wishing you were somehow here again
Wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed
Somehow you would be here
Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never would
Dreaming of you won't help me to do
All that you dreamed I could
Passing bells and sculpted angels
Cold and monumental
Seem for you the wrong companions
You were warm and gentle
Too many years fighting back tears
Why can't the past just die?
Wishing you were somehow here again
Knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive, teach me to live
Give me the strength to try
No more memories, no more silent tears
No more gazing across the wasted years
Help me say goodbye
Help me say goodbye..


