Winnie the Pooh\x27s Bedtime Stories

Winnie the Pooh\x27s Bedtime Stories

《Winnie the Pooh's Bedtime Stories》是Disney Press出版的圖書,作者是Bruce Talkington。


  • 中文名:Winnie the Pooh's Bedtime Stories 
  • 作者:Bruce Talkington
  • 出版社:Disney Press
  • 頁數:96 頁
  • ISBN:9781562826468
  • 定價:45.00 元
  • 裝幀:精裝
\";: |i\"\" ~:~i~11.iLIi[ij. iiiiii~Jii!!::iii!~.ii[: C.II l~ t was the very best time of day in the Hundred- Acre Wood, which is the same as saying it was ithe very beginning of the day, when the sun was;just easing itself up over the horizon. It was the time when a certa...(展開全部) \";: |i\"\" ~:~i~11.iLIi[ij. iiiiii~Jii!!::iii!~.ii[: C.II l~ t was the very best time of day in the Hundred- Acre Wood, which is the same as saying it was ithe very beginning of the day, when the sun was;just easing itself up over the horizon. It was the time when a certain bear of very little brain typi-cally rolled out of bed to celebrate the new morning with avery large breakfast. But this wasn t to be a typical morning at Winnie thePooh s house. Instead of the friendly rattle of honeypotsand hungry smacking noises, the only sound to be heardwas a long, shivering sigh, followed immediately by a mostforlorn \"Oh bother.\" Pooh was sitting on the edge of his bed, swinging hisfeet aimlessly and looking terribly sad. He looked as if noteven the thought of breakfast would cheer him up, In fact,~~hen the thought of his favorite tlme of day for a smallimackeral of something sweet to eat did occur to him, hewrinkled up his forehead even more and swung his feetiround a bit more nervously and said, very loudly, \"Oh


