Wild Blooms of Imagination: Art Direction in Hong Kong Films

Wild Blooms of Imagination: Art Direction in Hong Kong Films

《Wild Blooms of Imagination: Art Direction in Hong Kong Films》是三聯書店出版的圖書,作者是香港電影美術學會


  • 中文名:Wild Blooms of Imagination: Art Direction in Hong Kong Films 
  • 作者:香港電影美術學會
  • 出版社:三聯書店
  • 出版時間:2005年
  • 頁數:312 頁
  • ISBN:9789620423581
  • 售價:HK$250.00
香港電影除了以動作片聞名於世外,也以其獨特的東方美學,享譽國際。到底電影美術指導在當中扮演了怎樣的角色?他們如何與導演、攝影師配合,營造一個疑幻疑真的世界?《繁花盛放-香港電影美術(1979-2001)》通過近百位美指、導演及攝影師的訪談,以及過千幅圖片,著力剖析64部部自新浪潮以來的風格化電影、寫實電影和動作電影的美術意念及其來源,是香港電影美術學會與三聯書店籌備經年、不可多得的力作。 Hong Kong movies not only well-known by it’s martial arts and action design, but also, with the unique oriental sense of arts, Hong Kong movies always get the fame internationally. How...(展開全部) 香港電影除了以動作片聞名於世外,也以其獨特的東方美學,享譽國際。到底電影美術指導在當中扮演了怎樣的角色?他們如何與導演、攝影師配合,營造一個疑幻疑真的世界?《繁花盛放-香港電影美術(1979-2001)》通過近百位美指、導演及攝影師的訪談,以及過千幅圖片,著力剖析64部部自新浪潮以來的風格化電影、寫實電影和動作電影的美術意念及其來源,是香港電影美術學會與三聯書店籌備經年、不可多得的力作。 Hong Kong movies not only well-known by it’s martial arts and action design, but also, with the unique oriental sense of arts, Hong Kong movies always get the fame internationally. How an Art Director work with Film Directors and Cinematographers to turn an abstract idea into a visual reality? How they give the audience the mood by manipulating colors and settings in front of the screen? Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Co Ltd together with Hong Kong Film Arts Association have spent 5 years doing nearly 100 interviews with arts directors, film directors and cinematographers in local film industry, and consolidating around 1200 pictures to showcase the magic of arts directions in 64 Hong Kong movies selected. Wild Blooms of Imagination: Art Direction in Hong Kong Films, 1979-2001 is the first publication putting all spectacular ideas of the professionals and the concepts within into text records – a salute to all art directors!

