What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding(2007年Andrews McMeel Pub出版的圖書)

What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding(2007年Andrews McMeel Pub出版的圖書)

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《What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding》是Andrews McMeel Pub出版的圖書,作者是Hill, Thomas


  • ISBN:9780740767524
  • 作者:Hill, Thomas
  • 出版社:Andrews McMeel Pub
  • 出版時間:2007年4月
  • 頁數:142
  • 定價:94.00元
  • 裝幀:Pap
Complete with weird baby names, tips on how to avoid a sympathetic pregnancy, and a discourse on the evolution of ESPN and the role it plays postdelivery, Hill's tome has been thoroughly revised to account for not only the usual father-to-be questions but also the often baffling and amusing technological and medical advances awaiting today's four million expectant dads.This hil...(展開全部) Complete with weird baby names, tips on how to avoid a sympathetic pregnancy, and a discourse on the evolution of ESPN and the role it plays postdelivery, Hill's tome has been thoroughly revised to account for not only the usual father-to-be questions but also the often baffling and amusing technological and medical advances awaiting today's four million expectant dads.This hilarious month-by-month guide offers new and veteran dads solace, laughter, and a bit of useful information, including a question-and-answer chapter covering basics like "How much does having a baby cost?"; visual charts assessing such things as the breakdown behind the mom-to-be's weight gain; sidebars covering common wife complaints and anticipated purchases; and much more.

