WooRoo (口號:奢華滋潤人生。)致力打造全球領先高端商品網路購物公司,由胡貴興先生2006年創立於上海,目前已發展成為亞洲區內頗具領導地位的綜合型高端零售商城。WooRoo於2006年成立,是一家以上海為基地的公司。WooRoo致力於網路零售,銷售逾千個品牌產品,包括護膚品、香水、化妝品、食品、葡萄酒、品牌服裝等,以至專有及獨家代理的國際品牌產品。WooRoo (slogan: luxurious, nourishing life.) committed to building the world's leading luxury goods online shopping company, founded in 2006 by Mr. Hu Guixing in Shanghai, it has become quite the region's leading cosmetics, food, wine , clothing and other integrated high-end retail mall. WooRoo established in 2006, is a Shanghai-based company. WooRoo dedicated to online retail, selling more than 1,000 brand-name products, including skin care, fragrance, cosmetics, food, wine, brand clothing, as well as proprietary and exclusive international brand products.