Visual FoxPro程式設計(2017年江蘇大學出版社出版的圖書)

Visual FoxPro程式設計(2017年江蘇大學出版社出版的圖書)

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《Visual FoxPro程式設計》是2017年江蘇大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Visual FoxPro程式設計
  • 作者:劉曉松,樊茗玥主編
  • 出版社:江蘇大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年9月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787568405812


 資料庫技術是當今資訊時代的基礎技術,也是高等院校管理和財經類學生必須掌握的基本技能。Visual FoxPro作為一門關係型資料庫程式設計語言,在學習過程中具有知識點多而散、操作性和實踐性強等特點,《Visual FoxPro程式設計(英文版)》內容強調知識點的自主學習能力以及實訓能力的培養,點面結合的同時又突出重點,圍繞一個實際案例,圖文並茂介紹實際操作方法,實用性強。《Visual FoxPro程式設計(英文版)》可以作為高等院校留學生資料庫技術或程式設計(VFP)課程的教材。


Section 1 Visual FoxPro Fundamentals
Chapter 1 Overview of Database Principles
1.1 Database Systems
1.2 Data Models
Chapter 2 Overview of Visual FoxPro
2.1 What is Visual FoxPro?
2.2 Features
2.3 Some Useful Tools
2.4 General Reference
Chapter 3 Databases
3.1 Database Design Process
3.2 Create a New Database
3.3 Open a Database
3.4 Manage a Database
3.5 Examples
3.6 Some Functions
3.7 Table Relationships in the Database
Chapter 4 Tables
4.1 Table Creation
4.2 Moving Around in a Table
4.3 Working Area
Chapter 5 Fields and Records
5.1 Field Creation
5.2 Records
5.3 Deleting Records
5.4 Recalling Records
Chapter 6 Indexes
6.1 Indexes Creation
6.2 Index File Crea
6.3 Read a Existing Index in an Order
6.4 Deleting an Index from a Structural . cdx File
Chapter 7 Queries and V
7.1 Introductions
7.2 Query and View Designers
7.3 SELECT-SQL Command
7.4 Examples
Chapter 8 Programs
8.1 Working with Programs
8.2 Storing Data
8.3 Manipulating Data
8.4 Controlling Program Flow
8.5 Procedures and User-defined Functions
Chapter 9 Object-oriented Programming
9.1 Classes and Objects: The Building Blocks of Applications
9.2 Classes in Visual FoxPro
9.3 Container Hierarchy Object Referencing
9.4 Setting Properties
9.5 Calling Methods
9.6 E
Chapter 10 Forms
10.1 Designing Forms
10.2 Creation of Single-and Multiple-document Interfaces
10.3 Extending Forms with Form Sets
10.4 Addition of Objects to Forms
10.5 Adding Properties and Methods to a Form
10.6 Saving Forms
10.7 Adding Visual FoxPro Controls to a F
10.8 Label Control
10.9 TextBox Cont
10.10 EditBox Control
10.11 CommandButton Control
10.12 CommandGroup Control
10.13 ListBox Cont
10.14 ComboBox Cont
10.15 OptionGroup Control
10.16 CheckBox Control
10.17 PageFrame Control
10.18 Grid Control
10.19 Spinner Control
10.20 Timer Control
10.21 Image Co
Chapter 11 Menus
11.1 Menu System Design Guidelines
11.2 Menu Crea
11.3 Commands
Chapter 12 Reports
12.1 Report Designer
12.2 Report Wizard
12.3 CREATE REPORT Command
Section 2 Practice
Practice 1 Constants, Variables, Array, and Operators
Practice 2 Functions
Practice 3 Free Table Creation
Practice 4 Updates Table Records
Practice 5 Moving Around in a Table and Working Area
Practice 6 Indexes
Practice 7 DataBases
Practice 8 Query Designer and Select Command
Practice 9 Form Designer Ⅰ
Practice 10 Form Designer Ⅱ
Practice 11 Menu Designer
Practice 12 Comprehensive Practice


