Urban environmental crisis management

Urban environmental crisis management

《Urban environmental crisis management》是2009年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Yajie Song, Youfei Zheng, Jian Li。


  • 中文名:Urban environmental crisis management
  • 作者:Yajie Song, Youfei Zheng, Jian Li
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年10月
  • ISBN:9787030255471 


本書作為美國耶魯大學城市環境危機管理項目 (UECM) 的理論參考書, 其進展是整個項目展開的第一步。通過分析當前頻發的城市環境危機的原因論證了美國“人類生態系統”理論與中國“以人為本, 構建環境友好型的和諧社會”的科學發展觀對接的可行性, 進而在對西方生態學理論與中國和諧思想文化的溯源的基礎上, 提出了城市環境危機管理項目的研究內容和理論框架。


Chapter 1 Background of Urban Environmental Crisis Management Research
Chapter 2 Overview of UECM Theories
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework of the Urban Environmental Crisis Management
Chapter 4 Urban Environmental Crisis Management Model
Chapter 5 Theoretical Analysis of the Urban Environmental Crisis Management
Chapter 6 Governmental Function in the Urban Environmental Crisis Management
Chapter 8 Related Studies of Urban Environmental Crisis Management
Chapter 9 Urban Environmental Crisis Management Cases—Natural Factors
Chapter 10 Urban Environmental Crisis Management Cases—Unnatural Factors
Chapter 11 Development and Outlook of Urban Environmental Crisis Management
Appendix 1 The Sino-US Correlated Laws and Regulations
Appendix 2 National Environmental Emergency Response Plan(Promulgated on January 24,2006)
Appendix 3 Environmental Pollution Emergency Response Plan for the City of Shenzhen(July,2005)
7.1 Development of NGOs in China and the Western Countries
7.2 Public Participation and NGO Involvement Needed in UECM
7.3 Function of the Public and NGOs in UECM in China
7.4 Properly Handling Relationship between NGOs and Governments

