Urban Terror本是id Software作品雷神之錘III競技場的一個MOD,它汲取了Action Quake2的遊戲成分,加上一些其他遊戲元素,促成了自己的風格。Quake3的引擎原始碼由id Software以GPL協定放出後,ioquake3項目啟動,於是2007年的4.0版本開始,Urban Terror採用ioquake3而成為了獨立運行的遊戲。同時失去了鑲入Quake3的反作弊程式。將要發布的4.2中會包含Virtual Dark Arts開發的 Virtual Dark Arts Anti-Cheat (VDAC)。
There are differences between men and women in the game. If the server supports, you can use the self-made character model. Action is the highlight of the game, and UrT is the only one to introduce the triangle jump non sci-fi shooting game.
Physical game player character has the physical limitations of mobile acceleration will consume it, reduce the upper limit if injured, injured leg strength cannot play, must first bind (but need time, different length) can climb, hold forward in place to climb, such as walls, pipes and the tree is to climb. When climbing without weapons. If you jump from a height, you can jump to the opposite side of the wall, grab it to slow down the momentum, and then let go and you won't get hurt. Squat down, stand up also consume energy. Excessive exertion can have a long breath, which is important in a highly sensitive game.
The injury is shown in human body. The site of the hit is shown to be red. If the red does not go back, it is bleeding and must be bandaged. Otherwise, continued bleeding, muscle twitching may also occur. The fall will fall, but if the injured from the original height step on others, they will be trampled to death, but you don't usually damaged.
Jumping and climbing jumping is a physical activity, can use the triangle wall bounce jump. Jumping to the opposite side can also serve as a buffer against bounce. Even if you jump from upstairs, a cushion is enough to keep the character from getting hurt. This is not true. Triangle jump and grab wall are widely used, especially on the famous map of Uptown. As long as the upper part of the body touches the edge of the wall and press the forward key, it climbs up instead of falling off like most FPS games.
The role of sound dressing, ordinary mobile, jumping, magazines, wheezing, exposure to other objects can be different voices, all kinds of material on the road and playing the sound may be different.
4.2版本將添加2種次要武器,FN P90和伯奈利M4 Super 90
HK 69榴彈炮連同各式步槍和IMI Negev機槍只能作為主要武器。裝備了IMI機槍後無法攜帶副武器。
炸彈模式(Bomb) 奪取旗幟(Capture the Flag (CTF)) 組隊生存模式(Team Surviour(TS)) 團隊死亡競賽模式(Team Deathmatch) 自由模式(Free for All (FFA)) 奪旗占領模式(Capture and Hold) 跟隨領袖模式 (Follow the Leader) 遊戲畫面