Unravelling the deformation history of the northern Hastings block

Unravelling the deformation history of the northern Hastings block

《Unravelling the deformation history of the northern Hastings block》是2021年科學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Unravelling the deformation history of the northern Hastings block
  • 作者:Jie YAN//Pau LENNOX//Chunrong PAN
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年11月1日
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787030702906


新英格蘭造山帶位於東澳造山帶*東部,包括新南威爾斯州大部分地區和昆士蘭州南部Texas地塊,其中黑斯廷斯地塊位於新英格蘭造山帶南部,受二疊紀以前構造變形的強烈改造,可劃分為北黑斯廷斯地塊和南黑斯廷斯地塊兩部分。《Unravelling the Deformation History of the Northern Hastings Block, Southern New England Orogen》通過研究區斷裂構造運動學分析,結合重力和磁力蠕蟲等模擬分析,重點研究了北黑斯廷斯地塊內斷裂系統的組成和活動期次,並詳細討論了其地質構造變形的演化過程。研究認為,北黑斯廷斯地塊內共有5期斷裂活動,其中兩期主要的斷裂系統與石炭紀早期北黑斯廷斯地塊的滑移與旋轉有關,個別右旋走滑斷裂系統則形成於較晚的晚三疊世。北黑斯廷斯地塊斷裂系統的運動學解析為該區金屬礦床的勘探與預測提供了重要的基礎地質信息。


Chapter 1 Geological Background 1
1.1 Tectonic Setting 1
1.2 Local Setting 3
1.3 Structural History 5
1.3.1 Nambucca Block 6
1.3.2 Hastings Block 9
1.3.3 Port Macquarie Block 14
1.3.4 Tamworth Belt 15
1.4 The Hunter-Bowen Orogeny 18
Chapter 2 Folding and Cleavage History in the NHB 20
2.1 Introduction 20
2.2 Methodology 21
2.3 Analysis of Bedding Data in the NHB 22
2.4 Analysis of Cleavage Data in the NHB 28
2.5 Analysis of Folding Data in the NHB 32
2.6 Evidence of Overprinting of Structures in the Nambucca Block and NHB 40
2.6.1 Evidence of Overprinting of Structures in the Nambucca Block 40
2.6.2 Cleavages in the NHB 41
2.6.3 Folded Folds in the NHB 42
2.6.4 Faults Displacing Cleaved and Folded Rock in the NHB 42
2.7 Evidence of Overprinting of Structures in the Nambucca Block and NHB 44
Chapter 3 Fault History in the Northern Hastings Block, Southern New England Orogen 46
3.1 Previous Work 46
3.2 Conventional Fault Analysis 50
3.3 Kinematics and Morphology of Faults 53
3.4 Fault Timing 60
3.4.1 The Earliest Time Faulting Could Have Started 60
3.4.2 The Latest Time Faulting Could Have Stopped 62
3.4.3 The Relationship between Faulting and Folding/Cleavage Development 65
3.5 Fault Movement Analysis 66
3.5.1 The Earliest Time Faulting Could Have Started 66
3.5.2 The Latest Time Faulting Could Have Stopped 67
3.5.3 Faults with a Common Strike 68
3.5.4 Implication of Fault Movement Analysis 68
3.5.5 Fault History of the Northern Hastings Block 70
3.6 Brief Summary 73
Chapter 4 Evidence from Fault Block Analysis for A Re-interpretation of the Northern Hastings Block Geology 75
4.1 Fault Systems in the NHB 76
4.2 Interpretations of Geological Data 78
4.3 Gravity and Magnetic Worms Analysis in the HB 79
4.3.1 Gravity and Magnetic Worms 79
4.3.2 Worms Analysis in the Hastings Block 80
4.4 Fault Block Analysis 96
4.4.1 Fault Block A 96
4.4.2 Fault Block B 99
4.4.3 Fault Block C 100
4.4.4 Fault Block D 102
4.4.5 Fault Block E 103
4.4.6 Fault Block F 104
4.4.7 Fault Block G 106
4.4.8 Fault Block H 106
4.4.9 Fault Block I 109
4.4.10 Fault Block J 109
4.4.11 Fault Block K 111
4.5 Implications 113
4.5.1 Fault Block Analysis Highlighted the Shortcomings with the Existing Geological Map 113
4.5.2 Implication of the Fault Blocks Reconstruction for the Entire NHB 119
4.6 Brief Summary 128
Chapter 5 Geological History 130
5.1 Northern Hastings Block-Nambucca Block 132
5.2 Relationship to Surrounding Blocks 135
References 137
Appendices 146
Appendix 1 146
Appendix 2 147
Appendix 3 159

