UX Workflow是指互動流程圖。
UX Workflow是指互動流程圖。
prototyping processPaper prototypingInteractive wireframing tools, such as Balsamiq and AxureDedicated prototyping tools, including Marvel, Invision, and Adobe XDHTML prototypesHow to use prototypes in your project workflow About...
1 工作流程模型(workflow models) 2 品牌化互動設計流程 發現 分析階段 1.1 理解商業 1.2 理解品牌 1.3 理解用戶 1.4 設立目標 訪談 14 Brian Gillespie“服務設計”優質案例1 服務設計 定義 戰略階段 2.1 策劃產品或服務 2....
Swing, Win32)XML Schema/DTD, XML parsing technologies, XSLT Service Oriented Architecture OOP/OOD OLAP/BI (Business Intelligence)EAI/BPM (Business Process Modeling)/Workflow Embedded technologies (Device drivers, Embedded OS)