Adam Lambert,獲第53屆葛萊美獎最佳流行男歌手提名。亦是美國偶像有史以來最驚艷人心的選手。不羈的黑髮,狂野的眼線,黑色指甲油,這已成為他的標誌。這位被譽為“Rock God ” 的音樂天才,融合霸氣、狂妄、才華於一身的表演魅力和驚人的歌唱實力,以及幽默且不卑不亢的品格,讓他一出道便成為全美關注的超級新星。Adam Lambert風暴已經席捲而來,這不僅昭告著“Glam Rock”的強勢回歸,更標誌著迷惑搖滾在新流行樂時代的復活和與之融合。
Two Fux——Adam Lambert
I only trust my tarot cards 我只相信我自己的塔羅牌 Pink flamingos in my yard 粉色火烈鳥盤旋在我庭院之外 People think that I'm from mars 人們都覺得我來自火星 Whatever 隨他們去 Only smoke that holy green 只吞吐著我那聖誕綠色的煙霧 High above the big machine 在巨型機器上忘情投入
Not attached to anything 對一切都滿不在乎 Whatever 隨遇安度 I got that magic you call ADD 我身具那被你稱作多動症的魔法 Rep for them aliens different like me 我代表著和我一樣與眾不同的怪咖 If you think that what I do and how I live's too much 若你覺得我的所做所為和生活方式有些過頭 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我一點兩點也不在乎 If you think that what I say and what I give ain't love 若你覺得我所言及所給予的並不叫愛 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我要是會在意你才叫雙倍的怪 Here, right here, right here 此刻此地 就在這裡 Namaste right here, right here, right here 雙手合十向你致禮 就在此刻此地 Ooh ooh ooh I'm the center of a crowded room 在那滿是人的房間裡我就是中心 I might as well be on the moon 就算在月球之上我也會是中心 Searching for that one or two 尋找著那三三兩兩的 Who get it 懂我的你 You see me talking to myself 你看到我時常在自言自語 Cause no one gets me like myself 那是因為沒人能比我更了解自己 I've been this way since I was twelve 自十二歲起我便是如此言行 I get it 我懂我自己 I got that magic you call OCD 我身具那被你叫作強迫症的魔法 Rep for them aliens different like me 我代表著和我一樣與眾不同的怪咖 If you think that what I do and how I live's too much 若你覺得我的所做所為和生活方式有些過頭 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我一點兩點也不在乎 If you think that what I say and what I give ain't love 若你覺得我所言及所給予的並不叫愛 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我要是會在意你才叫雙倍的怪 Here, right here, right here 此刻此地 就在這裡 Namaste right here, right here, right here 雙手合十向你致禮 就在此刻此地 Ooh ooh ooh Watch out for my enemies 小心我周身的敵意 In the end it ain't that deep 即使到最後那不會深入心底 Imma get my inner peace 我想要得到那內心深處的平靜 In leather 那皮革之下的平靜 If you think that what I do and how I live's too much 若你覺得我的所做所為和生活方式有些過頭 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我一點兩點也不在乎 If you think that what I say and what I give ain't love 若你覺得我所言及所給予的並不叫愛 I don't really really give two fucks 噢我要是會在意你才叫雙倍的怪 Here, right here, right here 此刻此地 就在這裡 Namaste right here, right here, right here 雙手合十向你致禮 就在此刻此地 Ooh ooh ooh Here, right here, right here 此刻此地 就在這裡 Namaste right here, right here, right here 雙手合十向你致禮 就在此刻此地 Ooh ooh ooh