《True Tales and Amazing Legends of the Old West》是2005年Random House US出版社出版的圖書,作者是Editors of True West。
- 中文名:True Tales and Amazing Legends of the Old West
- 作者:Editors of True West
- 出版社:Random House US出版社
- ISBN:9780307236388
Much has been written about the west—most of it clouded byexaggeration and fabrication. Since 1953, True West magazine hasbeen devoted to celebrating the West’s true colors, giving the menand women who settleTrue Tales and Amazing Legends of the Old West commemorates theseunforgettable cowboys, Indians, and city slickers through a mix ofclassic histories and brand-new narratives, all illustrated withphotographs—many reproduced here for the first time—of the peopleand places that gave rise to America’s Western mythology.With twenty-six stories that blend fact with folklore, thiscollection abounds with accounts of the famous and the infamous,including Sacagawea, Wild Bill Hickok, Pancho Villa, Butch Cassidyand the Sundance Kid, Davy Crockett, and Wyatt Earp. Also here arelesser-known figures whose stories were pivotal to shaping theculture of the era, such as European conquistador FranciscoCoronado, rancher “Black Billy” Hill, and fearless lawman Orlando“Rube” Robbins. Other tales recount the wide open plains,lawlessness, drama, mayhem, and promise embodied in the OldWest.Whether you’re a history buff, an Old West devotee, or simplysomeone who is fascinated by the characters of America’s earlyyears, these timeless tales and photographs epitomize the legendaryspirit of what it meant to settle the West.
Founded in 1953, True West magazine reaches more than 193,000 readers every issue. It is distributed throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe and has been critically acclaimed for its accurate portrayals of Old West legends.