This collection offers a comprehensive account of the relation between diaspora and media cultures drawing from traditional and innovative theoretical and empirical approaches illustrated by original case studies. It analyzes the dilemmas of the field, the tensions and promises of the politics of transnational communication and diasporas, the consumption of national and transnational media by diasporas communities, and the views of non-governmental organizations on issues of the politics of participation and representation of ethnic minorities in the media.
- 中文名稱:Transnational Lives and the Media
- 裝幀:Hardcover
- 定價:USD 100.00
- 作者:Bailey Olga G.
- 出版社:Palgrave Macmillan
- 出版日期:2007-08-15
- ISBN:9780230019836
- 副標題:Re-Imagining Diasporas
SUSAN BINK Researcher at Mira Media in Utrecht, The Netherlands REYNALD BLION Programme Director of the INSTITUT PANOS PARIS, France, a non-governmental organization specialising in support for media pluralism SANDY CLOSE founder and Executive Editor of New America Media, USA ( MOHAMMED COLIN is one of the founders of the Internet news magazine, and is currently the magazine's editorial director SONJA DE LEEUW Professor of Dutch Television Culture, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands SUSAN J. DRUCKER Professor, School of Communication, Department of Journalism/ Mass Media Studies, Hofstra University, New York, USA SHEHINA FAZAL Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications, Department of Applied Social Sciences, London Metropolitan University, UK GARY GUMPERT Emeritus Professor of Communication, Queens College, City University of New York and co-founder of Communication Landscapers, a consulting firm, USA CHARLES HUSBAND Professor of Social Analysis, University of Bradford, UK, and a docent at the University of Helsinki, Finland KIRA KOSNICK Junior Professor in Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany LIA MARKELIN former research officer on the Sami Media Project, Ethnicity and Social Policy Research Unit at Bradford University, UK AIME CLAUDE NDONGOZI Director of Refugee Focus, a Liverpool based research, training and consultancy organisation specialising in asylum and migration, UK GARY NEEDHAM based in the College of Arts, Humanities and Education, Nottingham Trent University, UK MAGGIE O'NEILL Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy, Loughborough University, UK NIKOS PAPASTERGIADIS Associate Professor and Reader, School of Communication and Culture, University of Melbourne, Australia BASHY QURAISHY Chief Editor of Media Watch, Copenhagen, Denmark and President of the European Network Against Racism, Brussels, Belgium SANDIP ROY Editor with New America Media (, the first and largest national collaboration of ethnic news organizations in the United States INGEGERD RYDIN Professor in Media and Communication Studies at Halmstad University, Sweden EUGENIA SIAPERA teaches in the Media and Communication Department of the University of Leicester, UK
Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction: Exploration of Diaspora in the Context of Media Culture; O.G.Bailey, M.Georgiou & R.Harindranath PART 1: CONCEPTUAL AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS Transnational Crossroads for Media and Diaspora: Three Challenges for Research; M.Georgiou Diaspora, Multiculturalism and Transnational Media: The Case of Zee TV; S.Fazal Art in the Age of Siege; N.Papastergiadis Re-imagining Diaspora through Ethno-mimesis: Humiliation, Human Dignity and Belonging; M.O'Neill PART 2: DIASPORIC POLITICS: TENSIONS AND PROMISES Transnational Islam and the Internet; E.Siapera The Sámi Media, State Broadcasting and Transnational Indigeneity; L.Markelin & C.Husband Refugee Communities and the Politics of Cultural Identity; R.Harindranath Ethnic Media, Transnational Politics: Turnish Migrant Media in Germany; K.Kosnick PART 3: TRANSNATIONAL LIVES AND THE MEDIA Diasporic Mediated Spaces; Leeuw & I.Rydin Diaspora: An Urban Communication Paradigm; G.Gumpert & S.Drucker Latin Americans, Identities, and Media in Britain; O.G.Bailey All that Diaspora Allows: Film Between Queer and Diaspora; G.Needham PART 4: VOICES ACROSS CULTURAL AND POLITICAL DIASPORIC MEDIA SPACE Equal Participation of Ethnic Minorities in the Media: The Case of the Netherlands; S.Bink Muslim Communities and the Media in France; M.Colin Media and the Ethnic/Religious Minorities; B.Quraishy Ethnic Media in USA: Giant Hidden in Plain Sight; S.Roy & S.Close Ambiguous Voices: Western Media and Refugees; A.C.Ndongozi Mediam'Rad - Ethnic Media in Europe; R.Blion Bibliography Index