Tor Eriksson

Tor Eriksson

Tor Eriksson,教授,1952年2月生於芬蘭,畢業於埃博學術大學,現任教於丹麥奧胡斯大學,指導過十多位博士,曾是奧胡斯大學奧爾胡斯商學院學術委員會、歐洲勞工經濟學家協會等多家學術委員會成員,也曾是衛生經濟評論、美國經濟評論等學術論文的編輯。


  • 外文名:Tor Eriksson
  • 出生地:芬蘭
1、 1976年獲芬蘭埃博學術大學社會科學碩士(Master)
2、 1979年獲芬蘭埃博學術大學社會科學碩士(Licentiate)
3、 1986年獲芬蘭埃博學術大學社會科學博士
1、1985-1986 芬蘭勞動部就業研究國家委員會 總秘書
2、1988-1994 赫爾辛基大學芬蘭經濟研究所、政府經濟研究院兼職研究員
3、1989-1990 芬蘭經濟研究所 兼職研究員
4、1989-1993 芬蘭埃博學術大學 講師
5、1994-今 芬蘭埃博學術大學 教授
6、1996-1999 奧胡斯社會和勞動力市場研究中心(CLS)副研究員、董事會成員
7、1994 -今 奧爾胡斯商學院 經濟學教授
8、2003-2006 奧斯陸大學弗里希經濟研究中心,奧斯陸大學,副研究員
9、2008-2012 ISO701管理委員會(歐洲聯盟) 會員
10、2010 美國康奈爾大學補償研究學院 研究員
11、2002-今 麻薩諸塞州劍橋美國國家經濟研究局(NBER)工作組成員
1、“HRM Practices and the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap”, forthcoming in British Journal of Industrial Relations (with N. Datta Gupta)
2、“Incentive Contracts and Time Use”, forthcoming in electronic International Journal of Time Use Research, 2011 (with J. Ortega)
3、“Healthy Personnel Policies”, (Keynote lecture at AEA Conference on The Econometrics of Healthy Human Resource in Rome, May 2010) forthcoming in International Journal of Manpower
4、“Foreign Ownership and Wages in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Czech Republic”, Economics of Transition 2011 (19:2), 371-395 (with M. Pytliková)
5、“Inequality of Opportunity and Income Inequality in Nine Chinese Provinces”,China Economic Review 2010 (21), 607-616 (with Y. Zhang)
6、“Unemployment and Mental Disorders – Evidence from Danish Panel Data”, International Journal of Mental Health, 2010 (39:2), 56-74 (with E. Agerbo, P. B.Mortensen and N. Westergård-Nielsen)
7、“Working at the Boundary between Market and Flexicurity: Housekeeping in Danish Hotels”, International Labour Review, 2009 (148:4), 357-373(with J. Li)
8、“Small Open Economy Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Danish Transactions-Level Data”, Danish Economic Journal (Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift), 2009 (147), 175-194 (with V. Smeets and F. Warzynski)
9、“Feedback and Incentives: Experimental Evidence”, Labour Economics, 2009 (16),679-688 (with A. Poulsen and M. C. Villeval)
10、“Does Self-Selection Improve the Efficiency of Tournaments?”, Economic Inquiry,2009 (47), 530-48 (with S. Teyssier and M. C. Villeval)
11、“Performance-Pay, Sorting and Social Motivation”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008 (68), 412-421 (with M. C. Villeval)
12、“Marital Sorting, Household Labor Supply, and Intergenerational Earnings Mobility across Countries”, The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis &Policy: Vol. 7: Issue 2 (Advances), Article 7, 2008. Available at: (with O. Raaum, B. Bratsberg, KRøed, E. Österbacka, M. Jäntti and R. Naylor)
13、“Nonlinearity in Intergenerational Earnings Mobility: Consequences for Cross-Country Comparisons”, Economic Journal, 2007 (117), C72-C92 (with B)
14、Bratsberg, K. Røed, O. Raaum, M. Jäntti, R. Naylor and E. Österbacka“An Analysis of the Determinants of Job Satisfaction when Individuals’ BaselineSatisfaction Levels May Differ”, Applied Economics, 2007 (39), 2413-2423 (with A.C. D’Addio and P. Frijters)
15、“Gavner god ledelse bundlinien? Resultater fra en undersøgelse af 1.100 danskevirksomheder”, Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, 2007 (70), 5-17 (with V. Smith)
16、“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and Unobserved Ability: Siblings Evidence from Five Countries”, Industrial Relations, 2007 (46), 171-202 (with A. Björklund, B.Bratsberg, M. Jäntti and O. Raaum)
17、“Firm Spin-offs in Denmark, 1981-2000: Patterns of Entry and Exit”, Internatio-nal Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006 (24), 1021-1040 (with J. M. Kuhn)
18、“The Adoption of Job Rotation Practices: Testing the Theories”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2006 (59), 653- 666 (with J. Ortega)
19、“Managerial Pay and Executive Turnover in the Czech and Slovak Republics”,Economics of Transition, 2005 (13), 659-677
20、“The Prevalence of Internal Labour Markets ─ New Evidence from Panel Data”,International Journal of Economics Research, 2005 (2), 1-20 (with A. Werwatz)
21、“The Managerial Power Impact on Compensation – Some Further Evidence”,Corporate Ownership and Control, 2005 (2), 2005, 87-93
22、“R&D and Productivity in Danish Firms: Some Empirical Evidence”, Applied
Economics, 2004 (36), 1797-1806 (with V. Smith, M. Dilling-Hansen and E. S.Madsen)
23、“Firm-level Consequences of Large Minimum Wage Increases in the Czech and Slovak Republics”, Labour. Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 2004 (18), 75-103 (with M. Pytliková)
24、“Brother Correlations in Earnings in Denmark, Finland, Norway and SwedenCompared to the United States”, Journal of Population Economics, 2002 (15),757-772 (with A. Björklund, M. Jäntti, O. Raaum and E. Österbacka)
25、“Determinants of Board and CEO Turnover in Denmark”, Empirica 2001 (28), 243-257 (with M. Dilling-Hansen, E. S. Madsen & V. Smith)
26、“Risks of suicide in relation to income level in people admitted to hospital withmental illness: nested case-control study”, British Medical Journal (322), 2001February 10, 334-335 (with E. Agerbo, P.B. Mortensen, P. Qin and N. Westergård-Nielsen), also republished in British Medical Journal USA (1), 2001, 259-260
27“Convergence in Alcohol Consumption: Time Series Based Tests of Bivariate Convergence in European Countries”, Cahiers d’Économie et Sociologie Rurales no. 60-61, 2001, 60-74 (with J. Bentzen and V. Smith)
28“Produktivitetsforskelle mellem danske virksomheder - afhængighed af brancheforhold.”, Nationaløkonomisk Tidskrift 2001 (139), 131- 146 (with E. S. Madsen, V. Smith & M. Dilling-Hansen)
29、“Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Suicide in Denmark”, British Journal of Psychiatry 2000 (177), 546-550 with P. Qin, E. Agerbo, P. B. Mortensen and N.Westergård-Nielsen
30、“Alcohol Consumption and Drunken Driving in the Nordic Countries - An Empirical Analysis”, Cahiers Scientifiques de L’Observatoire des Conjonctures Vinicoles Europeennes , Nr 3, 2000 (with J. Bentzen and V. Smith)
31、“Executive Pay and Firm Performance: Danish Evidence”, Scandinavian Journal ofManagement 2000 (16), 269 - 286 (with M. Lausten)
32、“What Determines Managers’ Pay? Evidence from Denmark”, Long Range
Planning, 2000 (33), 544-559
33、“Psychiatric Illness and Other Risk Factors for Suicide in Denmark”, The Lancet(355) 2000, Jan. 1, 9-12 (with P. B. Mortensen, E. Agerbo, P. Qin and N.Westergård-Nielsen)
34、“An Analysis of the Determinants of Managerial Pay in the Czech Republic”,Prague Economic Papers 1999 (8), 209-219 (with J. Gottvald and P. Mrácek)
35、“Rational Addiction and Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from the Nordic Countries”, Journal of Consumer Policy, 1999 (22), 257- 279 (with J. Bentzen &V. Smith)
36、“Executive Compensation and Tournament Theory: Empirical Tests on DanishData”, Journal of Labor Economics, 1999 (17), 262-280. Also in: E. P. Lazear andR. McNabb (eds.), Personnel Economics, Volume II: Performance, 110-148. TheInternational Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series No. 171, 2004.Edward Elgar Publishing
37、“Hvad bestemmer forekomsten og omfanget af virksomhedens F&Uinvesteringer?”,Nationaløkonomisk Tidskrift, 1999 (137), 66-80 (with M. Dilling-Hansen, E.S. Madsen & V. Smith)
38、“Konkurrenceforholdenes betydning for danske virksomheders produktivitet”,Nationaløkonomisk Tidskrift 1998 (136), 138-151 (withM.Dillling-Hansen, E. S.Madsen and V. Smith)
39、“Unemployment and Mental Health. Evidence from Research in the Nordic
Countries”, Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare 1998 (7), 219-235 (with A.Björklund)
40、“Unemployment Flows in Finland: A Time Series Analysis”, Labour. Review ofLabour Economics and Industrial Relations 1998 (12), 569 - 591 (with J.Pehkonen)
41、"The Distribution of Earnings in Finland, 1971-90", European Economic Review,1997 (41), 1763-1779 (with M. Jäntti)
1、Editor of Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Volume 11. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2010“Introduction”, in: T. Eriksson (ed.), Advances in the Economic Analysis ofParticipatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Volume 11. Emerald Group PublishingLtd, 2010, xi-xv
2、“Labour Market Outcomes of Internationalization – What Have We Learnt fromAnalyses of Microdata on Firms and Their Employees?”, in: D. Marsden and F. Rycx(eds.), Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization: Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data Sets. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 221-243
3、“Productivity Differences in an International Pharmaceutical Firm”, in: R. Freeman and K. Shaw (eds.), International Differences in the Business Practices &Productivity of Firms. University of Chicago Press and National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009, 173-192 (with N. Westergård-Nielsen)
4、“tournaments”, in: S. Durlauf and L. Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionaryof Economics, 2nd (online) edition ( PalgraveMacmillan,2009, doi:10.1057/9780230226203.1898
5、“Wage and Labor Mobility in Denmark, 1980-2000”, in: E. Lazear and K. Shaw(eds.), The Structure of Wages: An International Comparison. University ofChicago Press and National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009, 101 - 123 (withN. Westergård-Nielsen)
6、“Restructuring Meets Flexicurity: Housekeeping Work in Danish Hotels”, in: NWestergaard-Nielsen (ed.), Low-Wage Work in Denmark. The Russell SageFoundation Case Studies of Job Quality in Advanced Economies; Russell SageFoundation, New York, 2008, 186-217 (with J. Li)
7、“High-Performance Work Practices, Incentive Pay Schemes, Performance EvaluationSystems and Male-Female Wages”, in: B. Mahy, R. Plasman and F. Rycx (eds.),Gender Pay Differentials: Cross-National Evidence from Micro-Data, Palgrave-McMillan, 2006, 34 - 60 (with N. Datta Gupta)
8、“Hvordan påvirker globaliseringen arbejdsmarkedet?”, Chapter 2 in: Eriksson T., R.Ibsen, J. Li and N. Westergård-Nielsen: Globalisering og det danskearbejdsmarked, DJØFs Forlag; København, 2006, 7-31”Internationale virksomheder i Danmark”, Chapter 3 in: Eriksson T., R. Ibsen, J. Liand N. Westergård-Nielsen: Globalisering og det danske arbejdsmarked, DJØFsForlag; København, 2006, 33-49
9、“Socio-economic Status and Health – Bits of Evidence from Denmark”, in: E.
Johansson, A. Skalli and I. Theodissou (eds.), Are the Healthier Wealthier or theWealthier Healthier? The European Evidence, Taloustieto, Helsinki, 2006, 73-84
10、“Resultatløn i danske virksomheder”, in: Total Quality Management 2/2005,Børsens Ledelses-håndbøger. København, Børsens Forlag, (with N. Westergård-Nielsen)
11、“Family Structure and Labour Market Success: The Influence of Siblings and BirthOrder on the Earnings of Young Adults in Norway, Finland and Sweden”, in: M.Corak (ed.), Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe.Cambridge; Cambridge University Press 2004, 207-225 (with A. Björklund, M.Jäntti, O. Raaum and E. Österbacka)
12、“Mental Illness and Labour Market Outcomes ─ Employment and Earnings”, in: D.Marcotte and V. Wilcox-Gok (eds.), Economics of Gender and Mental Illness.Elsevier Science, 2004, 73-94 (with E. Agerbo, P. B. Mortensen and N. Westergård-Nielsen)
13、“Incitamentsystemer i dansk personaleledelse”, in: Total Quality Management4/2003, Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger. København, Børsens Forlag
14、“The Effects of New Work Practices ─ Evidence from Employer-Employee Data”, inT. Kato and J. Pliskin (eds), The Determinants of the Incidence and the Effectsof Participatory Organizations. Advances in the Economic Analysis ofParticipatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Vol 7, 2003, 1-30. JAI Press
15、“Comments (on the papers by Ackum-Agell & Lundin, and by Hämäläinen)”, in: S.Ilmakunnas and E. Koskela (eds), Towards Higher Employment: The Role ofLabour Market Institutions. VATT Publishers, Helsinki 2002, 136-137
16、“Labour Market Changes and Mental Illness: Denmark during the 1980s”, in: G.A.Cornia and R. Panicciá (eds): The Mortality Crisis in Transitional Economies.Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2000, 370 – 391
17、“Søgeadfærd og dagpenge -- teori og empiri”, kapitel 2 i: Dagpengesystemene iNorden og tilpasning på arbeidsmarkedet. Nordisk Ministerråd, TemaNord1999:572, København 1999, 28-63 (with P. Jensen and P.J. Pedersen)
18、“Søgadfærd og søgestrategier i de nordiske lande”, kapitel 5 i:Dagpengesystemene i Norden og tilpasningen på arbeidsmarkedet. NordiskMinisterråd, TemaNord 1999:572, København 1999, 117-146 (with P. Jensen andP.J. Pedersen)
1、Senator Julius Nummelin´s prize for best Masters thesis, 1996
2、President Mauno Koivisto’s prize for young researcher in social sciences,1986
3、Prize for best paper at the Vth International Conference in Oenometrics,Thessaloniki 1997


