Too Much(Drake和Sampha演唱的歌曲)

Too Much(Drake和Sampha演唱的歌曲)

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《Too Much》是Drake和Sampha演唱的歌曲, 收錄於專輯《Nothing Was The Same》中。


  • 外文名:Too Much
  • 所屬專輯:Nothing Was The Same
  • 歌曲原唱:Drake、Sampha
  • 填詞:A Graham、S. sisay、P. Jefferies、E. Haynie
  • 譜曲:A Graham、S. sisay、P. Jefferies、E. Haynie
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
不要想太多 太多
There's no need for us to rush this through
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
This is more than just a new lust for you
Done sayin' I'm done playin'
Last time was on the outro
Stuck in the house, need to get out more
在屋子裡待久了 我得出去兜一圈
I've been stackin' up like I'm fund-raisin'
Most people in my position get complacent
大多數人到達我這個地位時 就開始得意忘形
Come places with star girls, end up on them front pages
I'm quiet but I just ride with it
我雖然很平靜 但我駕馭得了我的地位
Moment I stop havin' fun with it, I'll be done with it
一旦我停止玩樂 那我就真的完了
I'm the only one that's puttin' shots up
And like a potluck, you need to come with it
這對我來說就是家常便飯的事 你要適應
Don't run from it, H-Town in the summer time, I keep it 100
不要逃避它 那年夏天在休斯敦的時候 我保持著真實的自己
Lot of girls in my time there, word to Paul Wall, not one fronted
那段時間裡我認識的很多女孩都搶著和Paul Wall說話 但沒人上前
Birthed there in my first year, man I know that place like I come from it
我出生在那裡 我了解那裡 因為我就是從那出來的人
Backstage at Warehouse in '09 like "Is Bun comin'?"
09年倉庫後台的人總在問 “Bun B今天會來唱歌嗎”
**** that, is any one comin' before I show up there and ain't no one there?
我去 難道就沒人關心即將上台表演的我嗎
These days, I could probably pack it for like twenty nights if I go in there
最近 我打包了近20天的行李
Back rub from my main thing, I've been stressed out
擦拭了我的寶貝 我壓力太大
Talkin' to her like back then they didn't want me, I'm blessed now
和她說話的時候 我又有了當年默默無聞的感覺 現在我幸福的很
Talkin' to her like this drop, bet a million copies get pressed out
這樣面對面和她說話 感覺就像百萬份檔案被列印出來
She tell me, "Take a deep breath, you're too worried about bein' the best out"
她對我說 深呼吸 你太傑出了 反而會使你想太多
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
不要想太多 太多
There's no need for us to rush this through
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
This is more than just a new lust for you
Someone go tell Noel to get the Backwoods
Money got my whole family goin' backwards
No dinners, no holidays, no nothin'
晚餐沒了 度假也沒了 什麼都沒了
There's issues at hand that we're not discussin'
I did not sign up for this
My uncle used to have all these things on his bucket list
And now he's actin' like "Oh well, this is life, I guess" "Nah, **** that ****"
現在他的表現就像是在說 我想生活就是這樣 別去管它
"Listen man, you can still do what you wanna do, you gotta trust that ****"
聽著 你依然可以做你想做的事 你要去相信生活
Heard once that in dire times when you need a sign, that's when they appear
我曾聽說 在嚴峻的時刻你需要指示標誌 什麼時候它們才會出現呢
Guess since my text message didn't resonate, I'll just say it here
猜猜看 因為我的簡訊鈴聲沒響 我就說到這
Hate the fact my mom cooped up in her apartment, tellin' herself
我討厭我的媽媽一直待在公寓裡 然後告訴她自己【Drake的媽媽以重病為由,不肯離開家門】
That she's too sick to get dressed up and go do ****, like that's true ****
她太虛弱了 以至於不能穿衣服不能幹任何事 這話說得好像真的一樣
All my family from the M-Town that I've been 'round
在我呆過的孟菲斯城 包括我的家人
Started treatin' me like I'm "him" now
Like we don't know each other, we ain't grow together, we just friends now
裝作我們好像不認識一樣 沒在一起長大過 現在只是普通朋友
**** got me feelin' pinned down, pick the pen up and put the pen down
寫到這裡 我感覺我的感情被壓抑住了 提起筆不知該寫些什麼 又放下筆
Writin' to you from a distance like a pen pal, but we've been down
從遠方給你寫信 就像是寫給筆友一樣 但我們並不是【這裡指的是寫信給家人】
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
不要想太多 太多
There's no need for us to rush this through
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
This is more than just a new lust for you
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
不要想太多 太多
There's no need for us to rush this through
Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much
This is more than just a new lust for you


