Women Who Love Too Much

Women Who Love Too Much

《Women Who Love Too Much》是Gallery Books出版的圖書,作者是Robin Norwood


  • ISBN:9781416550211
  • 作者:Robin Norwood
  • 出版社:Gallery Books
  • 出版時間:2008年4月8日
  • 頁數:352
  • 定價:USD 16.00
  • 裝幀:Paperback
The relationship classic hailed by Erica Jong as "life- changing" -- now updated with a new introduction and resource section! The #1 New York Times bestseller that asks ARE YOU A WOMAN WHO LOVES TOO MUCH? Do you find yourself attracted again and again to troubled, distant, moody men -- while "nice guys" seem boring? Do you obsess over men who are emotionally unavailab...(展開全部) The relationship classic hailed by Erica Jong as "life- changing" -- now updated with a new introduction and resource section! The #1 New York Times bestseller that asks ARE YOU A WOMAN WHO LOVES TOO MUCH? Do you find yourself attracted again and again to troubled, distant, moody men -- while "nice guys" seem boring? Do you obsess over men who are emotionally unavailable, addicted to work, hobbies, alcohol, or other women? Do you neglect your friends and your own interests to be immediately available to him? Do you feel empty without him, even though being with him is torment? Robin Norwood's groundbreaking work will enable you to recognize the roots of your destructive patterns of relating and provide you with a step-by-step guide to a more rewarding way of living and loving. If being in love means being in pain, you need to read Women Who Love Too Much. 羅賓•諾伍德(Robin Norwood),美國註冊婚姻、家庭和兒童心理治療師,擅長於治療愛情關係中不健康的相處模式,以及成癮症、成癮拖累症、暴飲暴食和抑鬱症。她還是數部國際暢銷書的作者,其中《愛得太多的女人》暢銷300多萬冊,被翻譯成25種語言。


