
《Too Far Away》是香港歌手溫兆倫演唱的一首華語歌曲,作詞何啟弘,作曲:徐嘉良,編曲李伯傑,歌曲所屬專輯:〈我本善良〉。...
So far away (so far away)太遙遠(太過遙遠)Been far away for far too long 一直離你太過遙遠So far away (so far away)太遙遠(太過遙遠)...
歌曲: Too far away 女のこころ詞條標籤: 娛樂 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:2次歷史版本 最近更新: 創建者:しまった_閎...
《Far Away》翻唱自井上昌己的歌曲《Too Far Away》。...... 《Far Away》翻唱自井上昌己的歌曲《Too Far Away》 [1] 。中文名稱 Far Away 外文名稱 Too Far...
The distance seems too much for me 距離對我來說如此遙遠 I just wanna hold you in my arms again 我只是想再次擁你入懷 Just so far far faraway 只是...
《Too Far Away》 詞條圖冊 更多圖冊 參考資料 1. 資料 .nate[引用日期2016-01-22] 2. 韓星崔正元將攜新劇《我的秘密酒店》復出 .21CN.2014-7-16[引用...
It's too far away so right now I'll say 那離我們太遙遠了,因此我要大聲喊出(All - Chorus)When I get older 當我長大以後...
思故人 恨醉 Too Far Away 琴吟 冰雅BINGMUS 《情動》 長琴遺韻·君子之約 雲曦然 幽蘭操 琴劍飄零·記 疾風追影 逍遙嘆 鳳來怨 雪心男 榣山遺韻·變調太子...
Tomorrow way too far awayAnd we can't get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right now'Cause all we got is right now...
Like get too far awayI have to believe in myselfIt's the only wayThis is real this is meI'm exactly where I'm supposed to be nowGonna let ...
I won’t ever be too far away to feel youAnd I won’t hesitate at allWhenever you callAnd I’ll always remeberThe part of you so tender...
Tell me that we're too far gone Tell me that we'll be okay Swear to God I'd leave right now, If Heaven wasn't so far away But this is not...
01. Never Too Far Away 02. Don'T Know Why (Album Version) 03. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress 04. Are You Going With Me? 05. Last Train Ho...
Both afraid to say we're just too far away 彼此都害怕承認From being close together from the start 比起一開始的親密,我們現在已經相隔遙遠We tried to ...
太遙遠(too far away)曲/詞:deric wong請不要怪我該珍惜的全都冷落有些事不由得我去掌握你要答應我 每年花開葉落用他的溫柔換我的承諾...
It's the longest start, nut the end's not too far away Did you know? I'm here to stay We'll stagger home after midnight Sleep arm in arm in...
Can’t you see now we’ve gone too far away(Just wanna)Dream of you when I close my eyes (My heart is breaking for you)...
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me 如此快意但卻遙遠到無法將我擁在懷裡 You know I'm the one who put you up there 你知道我就是那個讓你...