Timothy Osborne

Timothy Osborne

Timothy Osborne,男,博士,浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院教授,碩士生導師。


  • 畢業院校:Pennsylvania State University
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:語言學
  • 任職院校:浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 外文名:Timothy Osborne


bachelor’s degree German Colorado State University.
master’s and Ph.D. degrees German Pennsylvania State University




syntax and dependency grammar for master’s students、semantics for undergraduates、English language focusing most on public speaking.


Some representative publications of mine are listed next. They deliver a sense of my research specialization:
Book translation
Tesnière, Lucien. 2015.Elements of structural syntax[English translation of Tesnière 1966, translated by Timothy Osborne and Sylvain Kahane, 700 pages, FrenchàEnglish]. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
Journal articles
Osborne, Timothy. 2005. Beyond the constituent: A dependency grammar analysis of chains.Folia Linguistica39, 3–4, 251–297. (AHCI and SSCI)
Osborne, Timothy. 2006. Shared material and grammar: A dependency grammar theory of non-gapping coordination.Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft25, 39–93.
Osborne, Timothy. 2006. Gapping vs. non-gapping coordination.Linguistische Berichte207, 307–338.
Groß, Thomas and Timothy Osborne 2009. Toward a practical dependency grammar theory of discontinuities.Sky Journal of Linguistics22, 43–90.
Osborne, Timothy. 2009. Comparative coordination vs. comparative subordination.Natural Language and Linguistic Theory27, 427–454.
Osborne, Timothy, Michael Putnam, and Thomas Groß. 2011. Bare phrase structure, label-less structures, and specifier-less syntax: Is Minimalism becoming a dependency grammar?The Linguistic Review28, 315–364.
Osborne, Timothy and Thomas Groß. 2012. Constructions are catenae: Construction Grammar meets Dependency Grammar.Cognitive Linguistics23, 1, 163–214.
Osborne, Timothy and Thomas Groß. 2016. Thedo-so-diagnostic: Against finite VPs and for flat non-finite VPs.Folia Linguistica50, 1, 97–135. (AHCI and SSCI)
Osborne, Timothy. 2016. Dependency networks: A discussion note about Lamb’s theory of linguistic structure.Language under Discussion4, 1, 44–50.
Osborne, Timothy and Thomas Groß. 2017. Left node blocking.Journal of Linguistics53, 641–688.
Osborne, Timothy and Matthew Reeeve. 2018.Scope Domains: Toward a Dependency Grammar Account of the Syntactic Distribution of Negative Polarity Items.Acta Linguistica Academia. 65, 1, 1–49.
Osborne, Timothy. 2018. Tests for constituents: What they really reveal about the nature of syntactic structure Language Under Discussion 5, 1, 1–41.


