Time of the Twins(2001年Wizards of the Coast出版的圖書)

Time of the Twins(2001年Wizards of the Coast出版的圖書)

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《Time of the Twins》是Wizards of the Coast出版的圖書,作者是Margaret Weis,Tracy Hickman


  • ISBN:9780786918041
  • 作者:Margaret Weis、Tracy Hickman
  • 出版社:Wizards of the Coast
  • 出版時間:2001年2月12日
  • 頁數:432
  • 定價:USD 7.99
  • 裝幀:Mass Market Paperback
Sequestered in the blackness of the dreaded Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, surrounded by nameless creatures of evil, Raistlin Majere weaves a plan to conquer the darkness--to bring it under his control. Crysania, a beautiful and devoted cleric of Paladine, tries to use her faith to lead Raistlin from the darkness. She is blind to his shadowed designs, and he draws her slo...(展開全部) Sequestered in the blackness of the dreaded Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, surrounded by nameless creatures of evil, Raistlin Majere weaves a plan to conquer the darkness--to bring it under his control. Crysania, a beautiful and devoted cleric of Paladine, tries to use her faith to lead Raistlin from the darkness. She is blind to his shadowed designs, and he draws her slowly into his neatly woven trap. Made aware of Raistlin’s plan, a distraught Caramon travels back in time to the doomed city of Istar in the days before the Cataclysm. There, together with the ever-present kender Tasslehoff, Caramon will make his stand to save Raistlin’s soul. Or so he believes.


