《Tim Berners-Lee and the Development of the World Wide Web (Unlocking the Secrets of Science)》是Mitchell Lane Publishers出版的圖書,作者是Ann Gaines
- ISBN:9781584150961
- 作者:Ann Gaines
- 出版社:Mitchell Lane Publishers
- 出版時間:2001年11月1日
- 頁數:48
- 定價:USD 25.70
- 裝幀:Library Binding
Written especially for young adult readers, this series helps place each significant invention, discovery, or development in historical perspective while exploring the life of the person responsible for each breakthrough. Readers will travel back in time to learn about each important scientific, medical, or technological discovery. No science fiction story even approximates the...(展開全部) Written especially for young adult readers, this series helps place each significant invention, discovery, or development in historical perspective while exploring the life of the person responsible for each breakthrough. Readers will travel back in time to learn about each important scientific, medical, or technological discovery. No science fiction story even approximates the mystery and suspense contained in these true science biographies.English computer scientist who invented the software known as the World Wide Web