This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

《This Too Shall Pass》是OK Go演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於《This Too Shall Pass》專輯中。


  • 外文名稱:This Too Shall Pass
  • 所屬專輯:This Too Shall Pass
  • 歌曲原唱:OK Go
  • 歌曲語言:英文


據英國《每日郵報》報導,美國樂隊OK Go拍攝的一部多米諾效應MV成為網際網路上的一大熱門,目前線上看次數已達到800萬。這部富有創造性的宣傳片長4分鐘,是這支美國洛杉磯樂隊為他們的歌曲《This Too Shall Pass》拍攝的,現已成為網際網路上最火爆的視頻。
首先在MV中出現的是樂隊成員湯姆·諾德維德,他身穿一件濺滿紅油漆的連身衣,推動一輛紅色兒童卡車玩具,觸發一排多米諾“骨牌”,所謂的“骨牌”就是家居用品。“骨牌”一個接一個地倒下,最後一張“骨牌”在倒下的同時推動一個撞球進入揚聲器,揚聲器隨之播放《This Too Shall Pass》。在此之後,揚聲器釋放出滾珠,滾珠觸發一隻揮舞著高爾夫球桿的玩具熊,玩具熊發射出更多滾珠,滾珠隨後又觸動網球。
家居用品上演的連鎖反應被攝像機拍攝下來,從畫面來看,OK Go樂隊似乎只進行一次嘗試就成功了。這個連鎖反應的複雜性令人難以置信,吸引了全世界大量音樂迷上網觀看。此次骨牌效應在一間兩層倉庫內上演,共涉及700多件家居用品。在MV的最後,OK Go樂隊的4名成員站成一排,面對著裝滿油漆的加農炮。
此次連鎖反應在時間配合上可謂天衣無縫。毫不令人感到驚訝的是,OK Go在打造這個視覺奇觀時獲得他人的幫助。他們曾向麻省理工學院、加州理工學院以及Syyn Labs公司的科學家求教,幫助他們完成這個“終極魯賓·戈德堡裝置”。戈德堡是美國的一位漫畫家,擅長製造極為複雜的機械裝置,用以完成簡單的日常任務。
在拍攝這部MV時,OK Go樂隊只有一個原則,那就是必須一次成功,絕不能讓這個不可思議的連鎖反應中途掉鏈子。在洛杉磯回音公園區的一間倉庫,這支樂隊以及10多名科學家歷時兩個月才完成這個精巧的裝置。整個裝置耗資6萬英鎊,在正式拍攝前共失敗了47次。
MV雖然取得巨大成功,但OK Go最新專輯《Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky》(其中便包括《This Too Shall Pass》)的銷售情況並沒有因此火爆起來,自兩個月前上市以來僅售出2.5萬張。而更令人感到吃驚的是,在這部骨牌效應MV問世前,這支仍在地下演出的樂隊就已經憑藉另一部富有創意的視頻贏得全世界歌迷的青睞。在2006年為《Here It Goes Again》拍攝的MV中,OK Go樂隊在快速運轉的跑步機上表演鄉村舞。這部MV最終獲得葛萊美獎,觀看次數超過5000萬。


You know you can't keep lettin' it get you down
And you can't keep draggin' that dead weight around.
If there ain't all that much to lug around,
Better run like hell when you hit the ground.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
You can't stop these kids from dancin'.
Why would you want to?
Especially when yor already gettin' yours.
'Cause if your mind don't move and your knees don't bend,
well don't go blamin' the kids again.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
When the morning comes.
Let it go, this too shall pass.
Let it go, this too shall pass.
Let it go, this too shall pass.
(You know you can't keep lettin' it get you down. No, you can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
Let it go, this too shall pass.
(You know you can't keep lettin' it get you down. No, you can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
Let it go, this too shall pass.
(You know you can't keep lettin' it get you down. No, you can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
When the morning comes.
(You can't keep lettin' it get you down. You can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
When the morning comes.
(You can't keep lettin' it get you down. No, you can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
When the morning comes.
(You can't keep lettin' it get you down. You can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
When the morning comes.
(You can't keep lettin' it get you down. No, you can't keep lettin' it get you down.)
When the morning comes!


有一個大王叫猶太王大衛。某一天做了一個夢,夢中夢見一個神仙。神仙告訴猶太王一個方法,無論是多么的艱難都會順利的度過;無論怎么富有和有權利也不會驕傲自負。結果夢醒後猶太王想不起來神仙告訴他的方法,他就召集大臣懸賞,誰要是知道他夢中的方法他就賞這個人一輩子的榮華富貴。結果大臣們想個好幾天終於給猶太王一個答案,那就是:一切都會過去(This Too Shall Pass)。之後猶太王大衛就把這句話刻在了戒指上,來警示自己 。
The Story of King Solomon's Gold Ring。"This too shall pass." This simple phrase is said to have made the smile vanish from King Solomon's face when he saw it engraved upon a small gold ring. Follow the link and read the story for yourself. You see, he realized that all his wisdom and great riches were fleeting because one day he would be dust. But far from being a truth that should throw us into despair, it should set us free. Now, more than ever, as financial institutions crumble and the housing market cracks under the weight of years of unsound lending practices, those of us who can translate history into meaningful responses know that we will get through this.
This Too Shall Pass


